Noisy Audio Interface O_o (NI komplete Audio 6)


Shokran - Exodus soon...
Hello Guys! I don't know if i'm only the one person who have such crap or is it ok?
I've had started such threads a while ago cause i thought that my mic is noisy. BUT now i see that, the problem was in my interface! I own NI Komplete Audio 6. I've just recorded audio without any cables in it to see if something happen. Then i've turned the volume all the way up (+24db) And noticed that white noise (-48.5 on the stereo out).
And yeah, without any volume-up, i have -68db on the first mic in, -76 on the second (the gain knobs are the same, on the maximum level, and -83 on the line ins.
So is it normal or i have a trouble with the interface? Or maybe something wrong with my PC? (+24db).wav
That's basically nothing compared to the noise I get. I run a Profire 2626 and if I'm sitting too close to my computer monitor I get horrible, horrible noise. Which really sucks when trying to track guitars myself because I like being close to the keyboard and screen.
Just had a horrible experience when trying to record a 5150 Preamp Out for the other member who recently posted in Backline.

Can anyone help me identify this?! interface 1.wav

You can hear the cycle repeat over and over. Do I need an UPS or something? Currently I am not running a power conditioner which is probably not helping matters, but this noise is just crazy.

This is Peavey 5150 Preamp Out signal going direct into my Profire 2626. I slapped a limiter over the master just to louden this clip up a bit. Flipping the ground switch in the back doesn't help.

I get the same sound while tracking guitars directly into the Profire or also through a LL Redeye. But I can calm the sound by backing away from my computer a few feet. Also tried plugging the amp into different outlets, no luck.
Just had a horrible experience when trying to record a 5150 Preamp Out for the other member who recently posted in Backline.

Can anyone help me identify this?! interface 1.wav

You can hear the cycle repeat over and over. Do I need an UPS or something? Currently I am not running a power conditioner which is probably not helping matters, but this noise is just crazy.

This is Peavey 5150 Preamp Out signal going direct into my Profire 2626. I slapped a limiter over the master just to louden this clip up a bit. Flipping the ground switch in the back doesn't help.

I get the same sound while tracking guitars directly into the Profire or also through a LL Redeye. But I can calm the sound by backing away from my computer a few feet. Also tried plugging the amp into different outlets, no luck.

Hey, this one sounds like an unbalanced cable. try balanced one, it can help. unbalanced cable can give you a large amount of "radio noise" (i don't know exactly how it sounds in english), balanced - only white noise
Yeah I'm going to look into balanced cables. I don't even think I currently own any aside from the ones for my Equators. :lol:

And just checking these 2 that I used now, they are both unbalanced and one of them has a split in it.

Looks like it's time to put a cable order together.

Didn't mean to hijack your thread, btw.
Yeah I'm going to look into balanced cables. I don't even think I currently own any aside from the ones for my Equators. :lol:

And just checking these 2 that I used now, they are both unbalanced and one of them has a split in it.

Looks like it's time to put a cable order together.

Didn't mean to hijack your thread, btw.

Yeah, it's def time to order them!
no problems man)
5150 send is unbalanced, so balanced cable will not do the work, it can be ground loop issue, so some kind of isolation is needed.
One way is to try unsolder screen from one side of cable, especially for cable from interface to amp input (in case of reamping), or to get some kind of isolation DI box (or reamper) for transformer isolation.
I have similar problem when I`m connecting interface to my mic/line/inst preamp, which I`m using for balanced/unbalanced conversion, by means of normal (balanced) cable, to solve the issue I`m unwired cable screen from one side and noise is gone. I`m have Radial ProRMP which also solves reamping issues (because of transformer isolation) with standard cables, but line preamp can give me more flat frequency response.