

off topic user
Dec 29, 2005
brooklyn, ny
My band (Nole) just released our first ever EP "Sin to Live" just in time for 2k9, we always appreciate feedback from you guys whether its good or bad since most of you really know your stuff. :kickass:

The songs are already up on myspace so at this point we would appreciate feedback on the music rather than the actual mix. The songs were mixed by Pauly of Madhouse Studios from this forum and we are impressed that he was able to whip up two days of tracking into a sweet ass demo!
Man, those drums are really sloppy. And the vocalist sounds like he's trying to scream quietly, which will pretty much just never sound right.
Okay, well it could and should be tighter.. especially the drums as unavailable mentioned.. also, where is the bass?
That is all mix wise, i know.. but it is hard to have good songs and have to listen to them with a sloppy mix on them, i can't seem to do that, im sure if you guys could get the timing more tight, and overall a more tighter, coherent mix things should be cool man.
Yes as others said everything needs to be much tighter. The actual songs don't seem to sound to bad but I honestly can't listen to them very long because of the sloppiness. Work on getting nice and tight sounding instruments and then everything should be much better sounding.
yeah it's fairly loose.
I'm not really digging the vocals- seems kinda false or something, especially the highs. If you're gonna scream, scream don't whisper it!
Nice enough riffs and parts are cool with the drums, his tom work needs attention though.

mix wise its a bit all over the place, not terrible tonewise but even the levels of the toms and vocals change so much and the whole thing doesn't seem very huge. I know you asked for no comments on the mix but thats what this section and board are for.

I can see the lack of bass is due to you dudes being a two-piece, maybe compensate with a lower guitar sound and a fatter drum tone. Riffs in the lower guitar register migh help bridge the gap too.

Don't mean to be negative but ye asked for comments!
Thanks guys! I appreciate you taking the time to listen, and its good to hear feedback even negative because sometimes you want to hear it from someone else.

i know i need work on my drumming, i have only been playing for 3 years and this music is very demanding so sometimes stuff comes out shaky, at least i admit i need work and this will only drive me to get better because i know i have potential.

i don't have a lot of experience playing to metronomes and i think that is something that will drastically improve my playing
Thanks guys! I appreciate you taking the time to listen, and its good to hear feedback even negative because sometimes you want to hear it from someone else.

i know i need work on my drumming, i have only been playing for 3 years and this music is very demanding so sometimes stuff comes out shaky, at least i admit i need work and this will only drive me to get better because i know i have potential.

i don't have a lot of experience playing to metronomes and i think that is something that will drastically improve my playing

Big plus man, when recording the album i think you guys should do that, to a metronome so the timing will be a lot tighter for sure.
This way, when the drums are recorded tight, the guitars, bass and vocals will have to stay in timing as well.

Im glad to read you can take the feedback for what it is, that is being honest to yourself and sadly not a lot of people can do that, those are the very same people who will not grow and get better in the end.

Last thing, when i checked the second clip where you guys jam on your myspace site, all sounds a lot tighter then on the demo! :kickass:
hey thanks bob for that last little bit of light at the end of the tunnel after that onslaught of criticism :lol: especially coming from you cus TGM is one of my fav bands from this forum.

the reason why we may have appeared to be playing tighter in the video may be due to the fact that we were in our own rehearsal space and i was playing on my own kit and kick pedals.

next time i record i am gonna bring my own double bass pedals and click track! until then im gonna be practicing my balllllllllllllllls off!:headbang::headbang::headbang:
hey thanks bob for that last little bit of light at the end of the tunnel after that onslaught of criticism :lol: especially coming from you cus TGM is one of my fav bands from this forum.

the reason why we may have appeared to be playing tighter in the video may be due to the fact that we were in our own rehearsal space and i was playing on my own kit and kick pedals.

next time i record i am gonna bring my own double bass pedals and click track! until then im gonna be practicing my balllllllllllllllls off!:headbang::headbang::headbang:

cool man, that is the right way to approach it!