OT: The time has come. . .


off topic user
Dec 29, 2005
brooklyn, ny
. . . the wait is over! Your fellow Sneapstas (myself) and Pauly of Madhouse studios are proud to share with you "Sin to Live" the premiere EP of Brooklyn death metal band "NoLe"!

We hope you guys enjoy the tunes and leave us lots of great feedback!

Visit our IsLaNd @ http://www.myspace.com/noleisland
and enjoy five fresh new metal tunes just in time for 2009! :loco:

Our first full length will be out by Summer '09! Stay tuned to NoLe FM!

Sounds like there's no bass? Drums sound a little flat, can't judge guitar tone really as I'm using headphones and myspace sucks anyways. Oh, and I can't stand the vocalist haha. Also, the drummer sometimes sounds like he's just spazzing out and playing randomly (I'd work on what he's playing a little more). Guitars are out of time in places as well as the drums out of time as well lol. Oops! Didn't mean to sound completely negative, please don't take offence!
This really doesn't sound like death metal at all to me. I think you guys got a long way to go before you're ready to release a full length. Sloppy played, untight, the production is really raw(and not in a good way) and the "singer" should just put down the mic for good...

Sorry guys, but I can't find anything I like about this.
Guys they're a 2 piece according to their myspace, Guitar and drums. Hence the no bass, everything else still stands though.
Yeah ye say ye're ready to do a full length. I'd take a long hard listen to what you're doing your selves and see where ye need to shape up and practise on those before jumping ahead and doing that, your enthusiasm and confidance is commendable and I hope it doesn't wane with time but it may be clouding your judgement.
Been in a similar situation before, posted stuff up on the net we recorded ourselves that at the time we thought was brilliant only to be told it was un tight and needed alot more work. We put in alot of work and don't even play most of the stuff we used to have written then and looking back with fresh eyes that stuff didn't hold up against anything really
This really doesn't sound like death metal at all to me. I think you guys got a long way to go before you're ready to release a full length. Sloppy played, untight, the production is really raw(and not in a good way) and the "singer" should just put down the mic for good...

Sorry guys, but I can't find anything I like about this.
but honesty goes a long way with me, if i sounded like ass i'd want someone to tell me so that i may work on it
wasn't this the same band looking for NY metal engineers a few months ago???

it's def odd that there is no bass, maybe the guitarist could have played one???

i'm not going to say anything nasty about the recording of this, aside from it's definitely, unique lol.
thanks guys, i appreciate the honesty but considering we tracked all the drums live in 1 night and the guitar and vocals in 1 night i think pauly did better than we could have ever hoped for. . .

we didn't have time to do bass and at this point we are just going to wait until we do the album.

I have only been playing drums for three years so I definately have a lot of work to do but I practice as much as possible right now, our guitar player definately needs to tighten up his playing, his vocals arent that bad in my opinion and we really need a bassist and keyboard player. thanks for listening and we hope you stay tuned!:headbang:
I think you're trying to sound way alot like Death instead of trying to find your own sound. And for example, there are parts where drums could be much more simple and keep it more together instead of trying to do complicated stuff when you can't master that at this moment, making the songs out of balance and sloppy. I think you should work out first in the simple stuff and then when you nail that go full ahead with the "complicated" stuff. My band's drummer has been playing for roughly 3/4 years as well, and he practiced a LOT 4/4 simple stuff and then move on the complicated fills, really fast double bass stuff etc... You know what I mean? I just think you should "Master" the simple stuff first
Not as bad as i thought it will be, but i would not dare to release it under my name (but i am a perfectionist who will probably never release anything lol) :)

1 thing is certainly good: Some cool melodies there and there.
I think you're trying to sound way alot like Death instead of trying to find your own sound. And for example, there are parts where drums could be much more simple and keep it more together instead of trying to do complicated stuff when you can't master that at this moment, making the songs out of balance and sloppy. I think you should work out first in the simple stuff and then when you nail that go full ahead with the "complicated" stuff. My band's drummer has been playing for roughly 3/4 years as well, and he practiced a LOT 4/4 simple stuff and then move on the complicated fills, really fast double bass stuff etc... You know what I mean? I just think you should "Master" the simple stuff first

That makes a lot of sense. I have come a long way in the past 2-3 years but I still need a lot of work. Back to the basics for me!:headbang:
Sorry, not to be rude, but the overall feeling I get from this is that you guys are making parody of metal :) I only listened 2 minutes of the first song so I don't know about the rest, but it does sound teenage-ish.

Again, not trying to be an ass just so I feel better about myself, I'm just an honest ass :)
hey mutant! verrrrrrrrrry interesting comments, i will definately try that out! awesome thread! now that i have read that i feel like i should elaborate on what went into the tracks you guys heard so much about. . .

i did mention that the drums were tracked in one night, but i forgot to add that each of the 5 songs were played in one take, no editing, nothing sound replaced besides the kick. no click.

guitars are one track left and right, vocals one track, all done in one night by my boy jake, no editing.

mixed periodically over the course of two weeks by our very own pauly.

you be the judge.


granted, we have A LOT of work to do! we know this but we reallllly appreciate the feedback! keep it coming!!!

although both of us have been playing guitar for over 5 years we never really played drums or sang until we formed the band two years ago. so on one hand we are obviously not nearly as talented as the pros but on the other hand, we are all kinda guilty of being spoiled by the sound of modern metal production.
Sorry, not to be rude, but the overall feeling I get from this is that you guys are making parody of metal :) I only listened 2 minutes of the first song so I don't know about the rest, but it does sound teenage-ish.

Again, not trying to be an ass just so I feel better about myself, I'm just an honest ass :)

lol thats a very unique take on it but we are actually trying to make the real thing. however, i can agree with you on the teenage-ish part. the bottom line is whether you enjoyed it or not we welcome any type of feedback so thanks!:headbang: