non fan with a Maiden tattoo!

Danny rctv

Girl Band Geek!
May 22, 2002
San Francisco
What an idiot!!This freind of mine saw this dude with am "Eddie" tattoo on his arm.So my freind say s"Hey cool Iron Maiden tattoo." & the guy's all "Huh?What are you talking about?"Turns out this poser went to the tattoo parlor looked at all the designs and was all "Hey that skully monster looks cool,gimme that ,I'm a bad ass now!"IGNORANCE!!!
Doodoobubbachuck said:
:err: :rolleyes: Well, at least he's spreading the IM gospel anyway! :rock: How can somebody not know who Eddie is??? :hypno:

Just ask my younger brother that question and he'll give you a :guh: since Nickelback, Eminem, and The Black Eyed Peas are more his thing. :Puke:

Sad thing is he's only two years younger than me. :erk:

Rottenrocker said:
Just ask my younger brother that question and he'll give you a :guh: since Nickelback, Eminem, and The Black Eyed Peas are more his thing. :Puke:

Sad thing is he's only two years younger than me. :erk:


:eek: NOooooooooo, say it ain't so!!!!!! :OMG:
I am so sorry to hear about that Rottenrocker. Perhaps it's a passing phase and he'll grow out of it. LOL!
Doodoobubbachuck said:
NOooooooooo, say it ain't so!!!!!!
I am so sorry to hear about that Rottenrocker. Perhaps it's a passing phase and he'll grow out of it. LOL!

Let's put it this way, he was listening to Alanis Morrisette in 1992 while I was grooving on my diet of Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath and many other classic rock staples.

When we were in his car (about a year ago) he cued up something on his stereo and said "You're gonna like this!"

To my horror it was Nickelback, the unmistakable corporate "sound" they have isn't hard to ID. :loco:

I immediately said "Are you kidding? I fucking hate these guys!"

He may be family but there are some things you gotta be honest about. Rock & roll is one of 'em! :rock:

I can relate. Your brother has some sorry ass tastes.I have a brother 2 years younger than me(who I don't talk to anymore)in the 80's his favorite bands were Culture Club,The Thompson Twins,Depeche Mode,Franke Goes to Hollywood,The Human League,Bronski Beat,Eurythmics,Dead or Alive & basicly all kinds of euro techno dance synth pop.Last I heard he's an aerobics instructor & moved in with his boy freind(I'm NOT kidding) :yuk:
Danny rctv said:
I can relate your brotehr has some sorry ass tatses.I have a brother 2 years younge thahn me(who I don't talk to anymore)in the 80's his afvorite bands were Culture Club,The thompson Twins,Depeche Mode,Franke Goes to Hollywood,The Human League,Bronski Beat,Dead or Alive & basicly all kinds of euro techno dance synth pop.Last i heard he's an aerobics instructor & moved in with his boy freind(I'm NOT kidding) :yuk:

Eep! :yow:

Well my brother's recently married to a wonderful girl theory is that he listens to that crap to score with the ladies. :tickled:

He wears nice dress shirts and slacks, I wear my Ramones t-shirt and jeans. (Need more band shirts dammit) :p

Rottenrocker said:
Eep! :yow:

Well my brother's recently married to a wonderful girl theory is that he listens to that crap to score with the ladies. :tickled:

He wears nice dress shirts and slacks, I wear my Ramones t-shirt and jeans. (Need more band shirts dammit) :p


Wait a minute you're just figuring this out? All those trendy fags only dress, act, and buy that music to get laid. Or at least I hope thats the reason. Beacuse if they realy do like that shit Oh my god what will the world become.

We need to start a new coalition "fans of bands with tallent and skill" or
"anti corp/EMO coalition to save rock"

Well guy I hat to tell you this but it ain't gonna change. Look at the Boy bands, Spice girls, all that corprate POP shit it comes and goes. You don't hear Grunge anymore do you? Now it's EMO,Indi or Techno. Just the flavor of the week or the weak minded.
>"Just the flavor of the week or the weak minded.”

Yea, I agree, like Jimmy Page and Robert Plant hated pop music, so do I; I consider it to be the weekly flash in the pan crap without substance, and they even use studio drummers to do the work, because they can’t really play.
Rottenrocker said:
Let's put it this way, he was listening to Alanis Morrisette in 1992 while I was grooving on my diet of Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath and many other classic rock staples.

When we were in his car (about a year ago) he cued up something on his stereo and said "You're gonna like this!"

To my horror it was Nickelback, the unmistakable corporate "sound" they have isn't hard to ID. :loco:

I immediately said "Are you kidding? I fucking hate these guys!"

He may be family but there are some things you gotta be honest about. Rock & roll is one of 'em! :rock:


This is why I love my brother and sister so much! If it wasn't for them, I probably wouldn't be here!! The introduced me to the world of Metallica, Megadeth, Iron Maiden, Guns N' Roses, Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Motley Crue, Skid Row etc when I was about 7/8. They corrupted me well and good, and I love them all the more for it!!

I always remember that Jed (my brother) used to have this HUGE Aces High poster and it used to scare the shit outta me. We used to act out the spoken intros to NOTB and The Prisoner all the time, then fall about laughing!!!
I especially remember doing that to The Prisoner, cos we would take turns in saying the "I am not a number, I am a free man!" line. Another young Maiden memory I have is sitting drawing the Powerslave cover in our little shed and my brother and sister thought it was fantastic (for a 7 year old anyway!) and I was so proud of it. I would love to find it again!!

Ok, I talk too much!!
Metallicat180 said:
This is why I love my brother and sister so much! If it wasn't for them, I probably wouldn't be here!! The introduced me to the world of Metallica, Megadeth, Iron Maiden, Guns N' Roses, Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Motley Crue, Skid Row etc when I was about 7/8. They corrupted me well and good, and I love them all the more for it!!

I always remember that Jed (my brother) used to have this HUGE Aces High poster and it used to scare the shit outta me. We used to act out the spoken intros to NOTB and The Prisoner all the time, then fall about laughing!!!
I especially remember doing that to The Prisoner, cos we would take turns in saying the "I am not a number, I am a free man!" line. Another young Maiden memory I have is sitting drawing the Powerslave cover in our little shed and my brother and sister thought it was fantastic (for a 7 year old anyway!) and I was so proud of it. I would love to find it again!!

Ok, I talk too much!!

No you don't! :) It's cool to hear that your siblings turned you onto some great stuff back in the day.

My best friend (who I've known forever) was the one who introduced me to classic rock and bought me my first Maiden album! :kickass:

My older cousin introduced me to metal. At the time I was listening to my dads records, surf rock, CCR, Stones, stuff like that. Cause at the time (mid seventies to mid eighties) the only thing on the radio was POP crap and Disco.
So I got introduced to AC/DC on eight track along with Dio, Maiden, Crue, Aerosmith. and the like. then it was speed metal. Now there is EMO and ScreamO and raprock that just sucks out loud. Lincholn park, limp bizkit, God Smack, Good charlett, My Chemical Romance, Funeral for a Friend. can't stand that cookie cutter crap. it all sounds the same. wine wine wine.
Slayer, Opeth, Stratovarious, TOOL, A perfect circle, Gwar, Helloween.
Those are cool dark/deathmetal bands (we use to call it speed metal)
You can't be hard core when your singing about the girl that left you. Just doesn't work.
I would NEVER do that to score with chicks!I'm a metal dude & I only date Metal chicks!I'd tolerate glam metal or something maybe but not that MTV garbage!Sadly I don't date very much as Metal girls are next to impossible to find in this town!Some of my male musician metal freinds always bitch how they never meet a nice girl & want a girlfreind who doesn't listen to metal or know anything about it.I'd tell 'em to cut their hair & where nice dress clothes if that's what they want, that's not for me!I don't date outside my race!!
on the subject of people not knowing Iron Maiden,I just loaned my copy of the new Iron Maidens CD to a freind at work.He brought it back & this one girl in our office wanted to look at the CD(she's like 19 years old) ands asked "What is this?Do they play rock?"I said "It's Heavy Metal,You've never heard of Iron Maiden?"and she said "That name sounds really familair but I don't know." Kids today!
You know what was cool?I was at Hammer Fall the other night & they announced that in Europe their video had been in the top 3 on MTV eurupe & the other 2 & everything in the top 10 was NOT rap.It seems rap as much as it dominates hear in the states, is dead every where else in the world.Europe does way better than America when it comes to Rocking!