Noob here, first mix to post


Aug 26, 2007
Perth, Western Australia
Hey guys, been reading the forums for a while and all the info and techniques here have been a wonderful help. Finally think I'm getting the hang of it all, so thought I'd post my first proper attempt at recording my band.

I'm using a MOTU 828 mk2 Firewire for my interface, drums are all ezdrummer with the drumkit from hell expansion as I can't afford a decent mic pre and enough mic's for acoustic kits just yet, the bass guitar is a Musicman Stingray straight into the interface using IK AmpegSVX modelling software, guitars are ESP eclipse and explorer with EMG 81's both through a 6505 head and a Framus dragon cab, no boost on them, and tracked on the lead channel. Guitars are using sneaps C4 with some gentle EQ, mostly low end rolloff and a gentle boost across hi mid/hi regions, mic'd with 2x SM57's. Vocals are just an SM58 straight in to the interface, with a bit of distortion and EQ.
on first listen...

the drums sound too loud for the mix... and the vocals are right there with them... so i'd say either bring them down or bring the guitar/bass up...

and the drum eq sounds like its has way too much top end...

Cool, too much high end overall or just the cymbals specifically? Must get some decent monitors as well, I'm using some horrible old Sony hi-fi speakers so I'm noticing drastic differences between what I hear on them and anything else I play it on, shall fiddle with the drum and vocal levels a bit more tonight anyway, cheers for the advice!