Noob here!


Jan 30, 2011
What's the good word, fellas.

Dropped this one in the TSE X50 thread too (because that's primarily what I used on this track) but I'm really inexperienced with the recording end of shit. Just a 50-second intro idea for a thrashy song.

I don't think it sounds cover-your-ears awful, but I'm sure there's a lot of improvement to be had and it's hard to tell what's wrong with your own mixes, so whatever immediately jumps out and sounds like shit, please feel free to lay it on thick, lol. Guitars are a little sloppy here and there but I didn't spend much time tracking, I was more concerned with the overall mix.

(I know there's a chopped cymbal hit in the beginning, it was my screw-up)

Bring on the criticism!