Noob mix


New Metal Member
Aug 14, 2009
If anyone is willing to take a listen to my mix and give suggestions, I'd greatly appreciate it (please excuse the rough take and unfinished song). The guitars have a very digital and muddy sound that I'm not quite sure how to clean up. Obviously I'm using a cheap DI and am very limited by it - can anyone suggest a DI box from $2-300 that would greatly enhance the quality of the recordings? dude.

Don't have the time or patience to mess around with signing up and what not to hear the track. Nothing happens when I click on it. You won't get many responses this way. Not being snippy, just trying to give advice. dude.

Don't have the time or patience to mess around with signing up and what not to hear the track. Nothing happens when I click on it. You won't get many responses this way. Not being snippy, just trying to give advice.

You don't have to be a member to play the songs, it's just like myspace. Not sure why it's not playing for you, but I'll host it on dropbox too.

Here it is:

Radial J48 and Countryman Type 85

Do you have any examples of these being used with free plugins (i.e. wagner sharp/impulses)? Would you recommend getting these or saving up for the next level of DI boxes?