Something not quite right with my mix


Apr 7, 2010
I can't seem to get my mix right :(. Do you guys have any tips on how I can master this mix a little better?

Edit: ACTUALLY can anyone point me in the right direction for mastering properly? As of right now all I've really done is high pass and low pass the master bus. What else can I use on the guitar bus, or bass. Any good plug ins you can mention and how to use them would be greatly appreciated :)
Ya and I am looking for some good production tips :) This obviously isn't very good so I am asking others to lend a hand in trying to help me make some changes.
I'm sure people in the Rate My Mix/Tone forum would love to help you out.


But, to try and be helpful, I think the guitar has too much hi-mid?
Try to change around some velocities during the blasts so it's less robotic.
Maybe add some grit in the bass.