Noob needs feedback on mix

This mix is impressive! Finnaly a mix that doesn't clip or sounds like shit just because poeple on this forum want their mix to sound louder. If your only concern is the mix and not the general tone, I'd say the only thing I sense is getting buried a bit is the kick. The rest is fine and there is alot of space for vocals and other instruments in the sound imagery wich is good! I would have a nice time mastering such a mix.
I am not quite sure wich would sound best, a raise in volume would cause it to be raised equally in frequencies, but i believe it's low end its allready loud enough. Raising it's clarity could start making it sound clicky and we don't want that. Anyways try both and choose what the best. Maybe dipping a bit of low end and raising the volume back could give the same effect. Anyways good luck.