Noob needs help learning to mix


New Metal Member
Jan 10, 2010
I've been lurking around here for awhile and i finally summoned the courage to make my first post and its a doozy.
I have been doing my own recordings at home with reaper, podstudio, and ez drummer for a few months now but i am totally clueless on mixing these songs right. They dont sound terrible by any means but you can definitely tell theyre ruff demos... VERY ruff.:cry:
I was wondering if someone could direct me to articles or videos or threads or SOMETHING that will clue me in on mixing techniques.
Like, I know youre supposed to hp/lp pretty much everything but what frequencies and why? and drum mixing/compression/etc. and vocals?
where are my peaks supposed to be? fx on master or no? if so what ones?
what fx are best at what?
you guys are gonna yell at me arent you?

PS: I treid the search function but i guess i'm not wording my searches right.
read around the production tips bit theres loooooads of useful stuff but you might have to go pretty far back into the pages for the good stuff. as for the highpassing and low passing its just to free up room for other instruments , a guitar isn't gonna need that 100hz whereas a bass or kick drum might