(noob question) using Aptrigga2 on midi in SONAR


Oct 12, 2007
The North
for some reason i cant use Aptrigga on a midi track in sonar..

anyone have any idea on how i can do this?
dont have aptrigga, but isnt it a drum replacer, so surely you would need an audio source to trigger the sample?

unless it has some midi settings?
You can use it as a MIDI-triggered sampler, which is what I do for kicks! (cut the kick notes from the Superior 2.0 MIDI track, and paste them on a new track with APTrigga2 on it)
ah sorry marcus i didnt mean to make you repeat yourself from my other thread. but i did try your way( pasting midi kick track onto track with Aptrigga) but it would not work for me... theres no signal or sound showing up on the audio track...
the only way i can get it to work is if i export the kick in audio from sp2.0 then apply Aptrigga. then i turn the dry mix all the way down and the wet all the way up.
I set it as a synth in the plugin manager menu.

Open up the synth rack, add it, and then copy your midi notes into the new track synth rack created.
