Noobie Mix


Member of Dude Castle 69
Jun 26, 2007
Kiel, Germany
I tried to save this mix of my friends band. That dude who was recording them had absolutely no clue what he was doing.

At least I had DI signals of their guitars so I could use them with mkII (Greener, Kitty and GH Impulses). The original sound of their guitars was really bad. And I mean BAD. I still had trouble getting a really good tone out of their guitars. I'm used to EMG's but they use passive JB's.

I had to replace the whole drum. Kick, Snare and Toms. Kick 100% replaced, Snare 80% and Toms around 50%. The fills of the drum aren't too tight here and there. so it's not the trigger doing something wrong... I'm thinking of fixing that with some cutting. A lot of cutting.

For the Bass I used the ampeg amp sim and bass impulses.

I uploaded the original mix and my mix so you have a possibility to compare. The original mix is much louder (guess he smashed the L2 on it...very hard) so you have to turn up your speakers while listening to my mix because I really have no clue and no room for mastering..
new mix sounds nice, but I didn't think the other one sounded that bad in terms of guitar and compressed to death, but I thought the guitar tones were OK. drums were a little bland, the samples help.

Sounds like the typical metalcore "producer" stuff I hear around here...Compressed to hell and limited to death.

Get yours mastered up and it'll be much better than their original, for sure.