Noobish amps question


Santa Hat Forever
My whole life I have heard you can damage a guitar amp if you play a bass through it, but never seen it happen. I have rehearsed for a few months now at a place that has no bass amp but I use a guitar amp, and crank it really high so it can be heard and nothing has happened. IS this actually true or just a noobish urban myth? Or can it be true on tube amps or something? only tried solid state
Nope, the damage only occurs to speakers, not amps, and if you turn the bass on the amp low enough I'd think the speakers would be ok too, but I'm not certain - the main thing though is that it definitely does zero damage to the amp portion, so you're good!
not that good actually, I'm talking about using a guitar combo amp for bass. Maybe killing all the bass in the amp, but using my v-amp to give it my sound? I plug the v-amp into a behringer v-tone combo amp for guitar trhough the fx return and it sounds pretty cool and hasn't damaged the amp (or speakers of the amp). I would be doing this on a crate 120 watt 2x12 guitar combo amp. would it be safe that way, killing the bass knob on the amp?
I really don't know enough to say for certain tbh dude, but I can't see why it wouldn't be ok (just listen to hear if the speakers are farting out or anything). However, a much much much better solution is to just get a DI box and an active PA speaker!
for what that's worth a much better idea is to buy a bass combo amp hahaha

I'm waiting on some cash to buy a decent combo amp for rehearsals (I have my sound with my v-amp for now, the combo amp would be for rehearsals only so no need for fancy stuff), and a decent DI and some active speakers cost me same or more than that, so not really an option for me