Nordstrom is mixing the new JFAC.

Yeah, it's not like JFAC was the only band with "cookie monster" vocals and distorted guitars... at least they don't use those awfull pig vocals! (not anymore that is)

Is that what that noise was that sounded like an angry muppet on Constitutional Masturbation?

Seriously, I had it playing in the background and suddenly I heard what sounded like a cross between Dokaka and a Skeksi - how one might sound when they are making fun of a power metal band!

I've never listened to JFAC before so perhaps that wasn't a good 1st impression.
If I could shit diamonds, I'd pay greatly to see Mr. Nordström at work.
He did a great job on 'Slaughter Of The Soul' by At The Gates :rock:
word im lookin forward to the new JFAC. haha all these shit talkers in here, pretty amusing stuff :]
After listening to bands like Cannibal Corpse, Dimmu Borgir, Meshuggah, etc... I've often asked myself, how much heavier can bands get without just making an album full of nothing but a wall of noise? I guess that realization has come true with JFAC. I don't consider JFAC music quite honestly. I believe they are great players, but I don't consider the sound on their cd's "music". :erk:
this shit is sexy sounding.
is dat sum slate snare or am i just really stoned?
It doesn´t sound like your typical Nordström mix at all (nowadays), but I think it sounds really good! Just miss a bit of low end on the guitars... The last record had an amazing tone.
The sound is good but the vocals are buried under the wall of sound.
Anyway JFAC is so can't notice the difference between 2 songs.... The good thing of bands like Cannibal Corpse (not the last albums) is that they can sound various and make good and catchy parts. In a CC's live show there are lot of very different a JFAC's show it seems they play a unique song.
And I'm not saying this because I don't like death metal etc... I love death metal.