North america tour??

New Blood Here!

How is everyone!

My name is Exciter, and a die hard Brainstorm fan.
I live onthe East Coast,and was lucky enough to see Brainstorm last year in Cleveland!
Liquie Monster has not left my cd player yet!

Talk with you soon!

X :headbang:
hey exciter! welcome to the board, and enjoy your stay. nice to see more members coming in, ive been trying to keep this board active but its hard...maybe you cant help?

hey and where exactly do you live on the east coast? im from bucks county pa, maybe we're near eachother. since you went to cleveland i assume you may be near me.

and its nice to see a die hard brainstorm fan!! i love them. i actually founded brainstorm after gettin very into Ivanhoe, brainstorm singer's older band...check em out if you havent heard em!! THE MONSTER LIVES!! :headbang:
Thanks for the Metal welcome No Mercy!

I live just south of Baltimore...I flew up to Cleveland last summer to see the BWBK Summer 6 Pack.
It was great, also saw for the 1st time...Gravedigger. Primal Fear etc.

Thats funny about Bucks County, I was just up there a few months back.

I've been to Philly to see some bands play, but lately the Baltimore/Washington DC aera have been smoking on some great Metal acts.
I just saw Metal Church & WASP over the weekend!

I also run a metal cd shop at home called Diamonds & Rust Music...that way I can keep up with the Metal World!

Ever hear of Casus Belli?
Great new band...

scroll down to there jams!


X :headbang:
Exciter said:
being your from down you know the band Dungeon?

Yeah dude. One of my best friend lives with Tim the vocalist/guitarist. Also i promote/organise Metal shows here as well and have worked with the m as well as BLACK MAJESTY, EYEFEAR, ALCHEMIST, DAYSEND etc... DUNGEON are an amazing band live as well. Hope you get to see them some day! :)
Oh yeah and i also manage a band here called TRANSCENDING MORTALITY. Check em' out if you get the time.
Any good bands from your local area i should check out? :headbang:
thats awesome!

I run a CD Business here i the States.
Its called Dimaonds & Rust Music.
Not bad for a little store, but its very popular with people who Love Metal!
Thats what I specialize in.

Yeah, I 1st heard Dungeon earlier this year...I was able to locate the last two recordings.
I did some research, I noticed that Lord Tim did some vocals in another band called "ILIUM"
I would love to hear that someday...any good that you know of?


X :headbang:
Exciter said:
Thanks for the Metal welcome No Mercy!

I live just south of Baltimore...I flew up to Cleveland last summer to see the BWBK Summer 6 Pack.
It was great, also saw for the 1st time...Gravedigger. Primal Fear etc.

Thats funny about Bucks County, I was just up there a few months back.

I've been to Philly to see some bands play, but lately the Baltimore/Washington DC aera have been smoking on some great Metal acts.
I just saw Metal Church & WASP over the weekend!

I also run a metal cd shop at home called Diamonds & Rust Music...that way I can keep up with the Metal World!

Ever hear of Casus Belli?
Great new band...

scroll down to there jams!


X :headbang:

Hey Exciter!

I grew up in Baltimore and now live just 45 minutes north of it, but I'm down there all the time. How south of Baltimore are you? I also play in a band out of SoMD.

I saw Brainstorm at ProgPower last year in Atlanta and they were AWESOME!! I wasn't that familiar with them before that, but they and Tad Morose (another I wasn't as familiar with) crushed. I'm looking very forward to seeing Andy in Symphorce next month in Atlanta as well!!

Yes, there have been some awesome shows in the area lately. I saw Metal Church at Jaxx back last November, but I was coming back from the beach this past weekend and was unable to see the show just past.

Well that's pretty crazy... I just looked up your store and a listing came up for Chesapeake Beach! Is that you? Hell, I drive past that way every time I go to band practice. We are down there in Lexington Park -- and yes, I really live in PA! Crazy, but it is so hard finding good musicians that are like-minded. Sometimes you just gotta do crazty things like drive 141 miles each way to band practice! Maybe I can stop there one day on the way to/back from SoMD.
No-Mercy said:
ah well i live 45 mins north of philly, so i guess us 3 make somewhat of a small chain down the coast! hah! :headbang:

Sure does, all about 2 hours apart. I go to shows all over the place too, so we've all probably been at the same shows! Are you going to Gigantour? If so, in Reading or Atlantic City (or both)? I'll be at the Reading show.
Rick Pierpont said:
Sure does, all about 2 hours apart. I go to shows all over the place too, so we've all probably been at the same shows! Are you going to Gigantour? If so, in Reading or Atlantic City (or both)? I'll be at the Reading show.

oh yeah kick ass man, im going to the reading show of course!! i cant wait. me and my guitarist are going....(dads taking us. hes not real into metal but he doesntmind it). we got GA tickets, what about you?
No-Mercy said:
oh yeah kick ass man, im going to the reading show of course!! i cant wait. me and my guitarist are going....(dads taking us. hes not real into metal but he doesntmind it). we got GA tickets, what about you?

Excellent! Yeah, me, my GF, brother, keyboardist, old drummer, and probably a few others. GA of course! I'll be one of the crazies up front :Spin:

Can't wait to see SyX, DT, and Megadeth. Nevermore too. SyX and DT are my top picks there!
Rick Pierpont said:
Excellent! Yeah, me, my GF, brother, keyboardist, old drummer, and probably a few others. GA of course! I'll be one of the crazies up front :Spin:

Can't wait to see SyX, DT, and Megadeth. Nevermore too. SyX and DT are my top picks there!

kick ass man!! my tops are SX and megadeth, followed closely by DT and nevermore. im hoping to be right up front too, but because my dad is in his 50s we might need to be near the back.

hey manany chance i could maybe get an autograph if i see you?? id love it, your awesome!
No-Mercy said:
kick ass man!! my tops are SX and megadeth, followed closely by DT and nevermore. im hoping to be right up front too, but because my dad is in his 50s we might need to be near the back.

hey manany chance i could maybe get an autograph if i see you?? id love it, your awesome!
So we are both basically there for the same 4 bands -- hell yeah! Dad won't hang in the back and let you go up front? Hell, I'll still be hitting the front even then, but I'm only 36 right now.

??? Are you talking to me?!?!?!? I have no problem with that, but what gives you the idea that I'm awesome? Just curious... At least you'll know where to find me and what I look like. :)