Fancy a pint? Or two?
I''m thinking that when it comes to all these subcultures, the parents are to blame for the majority. We're all so quick to call them idiots, freaks or whatever, (its so easy) but I'm guessing that these people have some serious family issues that they can't control and cope with that has affected their life and may very possibly last their entire lifetime.
It's pretty sad actually.
With the exception of a few terribly misguided teens wanting a new fad, the majority of vampire 'couple's are both coming from a really bad family background and are just looking for love in alternate places. It can at times be a case of an alternative hedonism, but usually stemming from the same background of having a crappy home life.
Although I wouldn't place the blame solely on the parents, I mean no gets forced to drink other people's blood. I didn't expect some kind of inquisition...
Funny how the largest things in life can all be brought back to monty python.