NOSTALIA - The Premontion DEMO


May 22, 2007
Well I had a free weekend to work on some stuff and I got our drummer over and recorded drums and guitars. The vocals are just me doing some rough reference vocals until our vocalist can get over to record. I wanted to see how the Waves SSL plugins would do on vocals for the first time.

The guitars are an Ibanez JEM 77FP Floral > PAF Pro pickups > ENGL INVADER 150 into a PALMER PGA-04 quad tracked.

Drums are done on a DIY V-kit I built using a TD-12 brain into BFD for Kick, snare, and toms along with the Hi Hats. DFHS was used for all other cymbals.

No bass in the mix right now, our bass player lives far away so that'll have to wait.

Thanks for checking it out.