Not enough energy in screams and growls

Vocals are all about the passion,the energy and the "rhetoric" if you know what i mean,the whole expression in general.
There's no plug in that can create this,the only way comes from the source.
If you don't like the screams,ask her to re-record them.It's not an insult at all for an engineer to ask some re-recordings,after all the producer want to capture the best performance by everyone
Vocals are all about the passion,the energy and the "rhetoric" if you know what i mean,the whole expression in general.
There's no plug in that can create this,the only way comes from the source.
If you don't like the screams,ask her to re-record them.It's not an insult at all for an engineer to ask some re-recordings,after all the producer want to capture the best performance by everyone

+1 on that
Yeah...doesn't sound too strong.

Is that the ex-vocalist of My Inner Burning btw? At least I think I read someonewhen that she left that band
I also want to add that if you run into cases where there are way too many tracks of something, or certain elements just do NOT fit, consider muting them (or at least asking the producer/band). In the worst case they disagree. But it sometimes happens that those parts are still in there because they weren't completely sure themselves. Give them a version with and without the parts and let them pick which one they like best.

And I agree with suggesting re-recordings. They will probably be happy that they did afterwards.
Is that the ex-vocalist of My Inner Burning btw? At least I think I read someonewhen that she left that band

Jupp! And that is the reason why i want that EP to be great. She is such a passionate singer and songwriter. I don't want to mess up on this, cause In the end, the producer did it wrong ;)

Aaand BTW the freaking world is village :)