Not just pure Metal then

  • Thread starter kArLoS THE JACKASS
  • Start date



Wow It's cool to see bands like Freebase, Consumed, and Evoke all playing on the same bill as Saxon and Sabbat etc. This is gonna be a really good line up I was a little uneasy about this one as I thought it would be just a pure metal show. I will be definatly attending this show as it shows that United Kingdom are putting out some amazing bands and it nice to see all genres of the music coming together for one big metalfest. Metal,punk,Hardcore,death we own it! well maybe not death we dont want to get into an argument with Florida now do we.

What about stampin Ground for this show or even the mighty Underule I have heard through the grapevine that as well as Freebase, Underule are going to representing the UKHC by the playing this mazin show. Can anyone confirm or deny this as they are amazin and dare I say it 'They blow SG out of the water when it comes to live shows'
