If you would've read your post before you posted it, you would've noticed that it is REALLY hostile and arrogant.
I always re-read it.
ahjteam. have you actually got any more advice for me?
I don't see anything there.... Just ratings.
Earlier you said:
1) you are missing the essential element, bass guitar.
2) get the tone good at the source, not in the mix
3) balance your instruments better
#1 was helpful. Thank you.
#2, well what about it? You are rating my tone. Not giving advice. I posted what my tone consists of yes?
#3, advice? Sort of
but what do you mean? Didnt I say how I balanced them in my original post?
If you dont have anything further, then please, either stop replying or go back and read what it is I am looking for. THEN if you have anything more to add Id love to hear it. As long as it gives me something to go on
I am totally aware of you just dont like it.
If you decode what people say and turn it into constructive criticism...
Decode???? Maybe that's the issue here. What are we? Teenage girls? If you want to talk in code then please do not reply to my posts. If you have something useful to add, and want to speak directly and effectively, then add it.
We really don't care about the method because there are several,
I find that hard to believe. No, I'll rephrase. If you dint want to know what I had done to get where I am I wouldnt be interested in hearing anything else you had to say anyway.. Just knowing how I got the drum and guitar tone would tell you everything you need to have better helped out on your useless comments of:
2) get the tone good at the source, not in the mix
3) balance your instruments better
Wow. Thats insightful. Thanks.
There are several things that makes me not to listen to the song.
I'm not asking for opinions on a song. Didn't I say up front that its a cover? Yeah, I did. Again, the title of the thread is: "
Rate my mix/tone" Or is that code? And it really means "looking for feedback on my song composition"?
What's your advice on it? I did exactly what a lot of others are raving about? I am assuming that there are other steps after DI ing a track, and using the ampsim and cab IR. Again, a reason to post what I DID. So someone interested in helping would know what they are hearing.
second is the sloppy playing,
We covered this.
Composition? Go talk to the writer....
http://anthrax.com/NFWS/ This is just more proof that you aren't even reading my posts completely...
fourth is that I have no idea what genre that is except some subgenre of rock/metal,
I'm not sure what this has to do with anything.... If this were a country song the mix would be ok? If it were emo? If it were mallcore? Fuck genres....
and fifth is the fact it sounds like shit production wise.
Another rating...
When you can fix those, I might give it a listen, but I doubt it.
When I can fix it I wont be asking for fixing mixes advice here now would I?
Yeah, I'm new. This isnt awesome. But this is as far as I can get with my current amount of knowledge. I have some recording books on the way to he,p me get further...
What feedback, advice, weak spots, etc can you guys help with?
From my first post. What an asshole-ish arrogant fuck thing to say? /sarcasm
This place is supposed to rule. Nobody here owes me anything. I posted my progress and asked for advice. (and there was no arrogance/hostility/or anything negative ANYWHERE in that post. The existing thread is for RATINGS, (according to the language used to title it) So I posted it elsewhere. You guys didn't like that. So I moved it to the ratings thread. Guess what? I'm getting RATINGS NOW!!!! Hahahaha!!!!

Plankis is the first to go down the road and offer some actual constructive feedback and things to actually change. My thanks to you Plankis. Doo doo pointed out the drum velocities. Which was semi-helpful. It pointed out that they were at 70. But nothing telling me why that is bad
Problem is that there's so much to write about that no one can be bothered with that anymore. It usually has been written several times before. And takes a lot of time typing so everyone understands, this post must've taken a hour writing so it ain't that easy and fun to rewrite same general things over and over again.
I understand this totally. Which is why I wrote that in my sig. People either want to help, and will take the time doing so, or they wont. Like i said, nobody is obligated to help me. If you don't want to, DON'T. If you do, look at what it is I am asking, and then ask questions yourself if you still don't understand what I am looking for. It takes more than most people have to be a good teacher. Being a prick is far easier.
So... again, I have demonstrated what my current mix knowledge level is capable of. Yeah, not much. No worries, all of you were there once too. I don't mind being the noob. We all started here.
I have explained what/how I accomplished what I have. I have demonstrated elsewhere that I am totally open to reading/researching/listening/etc to get my skills better.
If anyone wants to lend a hand and help me improve my results I'd be very pleased to have the assistance. I know its time consuming. I know its work. I know there isn't anything in it for you besides helping another stranger for nothing more than a sincere thank you.
If you don't want to help, I totally understand that too.
But this dropping in and doing nothing more than saying the stuff indicated above, isn't helping any. In fact, it kinda resembles trolling...
Like i said, feel free to ignore. I took the time to word everything in my original post in a very particular way. Saying exactly what got me here. If that direct method of speak doesnt work for you next time I'll post this instead:
"Yo!!!! How brootalz is my mix fukkah!!!!! METALLLLLLLL!!!!"