Not related to Opeth, but it's related to metal?

A Reason To Sing

The tomato is a fruit
Nov 28, 2005
Bay Area, California U.S.
Okay, so I'm going to go ahead and make a fool out of myself, maybe. Hey, this is a board full of Opeth fans, and metal fans in general, so I thought this would be the ideal place to ask.

Do you guys have any tips on growing your hair out, and how to maintain a decent look while it's still growing? I'm growing my hair out, and it's starting to get long, but how do you maintain it? I mean, I've always wanted loose, open hair. Wavy, and not to, there's a whole science to this long hair business, and I've gone a long way to just give up. Should be worth it in the end.
There isn't too much to say really. I looked like shit for probably at least a year, the worst time (moreso annoyance than looks) is when its in your eyes, but not long enough yet to part.

Personally I just said fuck all and didn't cut it at all for three years, but as far as I know, keeping the ends somewhat trimmed will help growth (and probably look a bit more decent), as healthy hairs grow faster than split ends (but don't trim so much that you're setting your growth back.)

Don't neglect brushing it once its long, its a fucking mess if you go too long without.

I think I might be sounding like a pussy. Any specific questions you have about it?
I tried for a year and got to that middle point where I couldnt do shit with it. I went to the hairdresser for some help and she said i looked like an ass and cut it off....

anyways, thats my advice...cut it off...not too short but like that ashton kurcher dude...dont straighten it tho cos you will end up like like some emo gay...just let it do its own thing...
to be fair that guy had a point, stop being a pussy.. if you're a proper metalhead you wont give a shit what it looks like
daz436 said:
to be fair that guy had a point, stop being a pussy.. if you're a proper metalhead you wont give a shit what it looks like

So proper metal heads don't give a shit what they look like? What a load of bollox! So what you are saying is that, to truly like metal and be a "metalhead", you have to look like a cunt faced, girly haired, obese son of a bitch?

I love metal and consider myself to be a complete metal head. I dont really give a toss about clothes etc but like to look after myself, keep in shape, have good skin and hair etc.

Power to the pussys!
The gift of death metal does not smile upon the good-looking!

Universal truth signed "Strongbad" :cool:

I've been into metal since I was 12, and I'm soon 20. Along the way I've learnt to stop giving a flying fuck 'bout looking metal. I try to be comfortable with the way I look, and of course that would be looking good. I got long hair though, and it can actually score chicks. My advice to you is to just wait for it to get long enough to be good looking, it takes time. And if its really curly or puffy (mine isnt) and you want it straighter, there are good methods.
Cliche Kid said:
So proper metal heads don't give a shit what they look like? What a load of bollox! So what you are saying is that, to truly like metal and be a "metalhead", you have to look like a cunt faced, girly haired, obese son of a bitch?

no im saying you dont have to care what you look like. i dont give a shit and i am not a cunt faced girly haired obese son of a bitch thanks.
just rough it out...i looked like a complete douche bag for a while...but now my hair is long and sexy...and everyone loves it :-D (2 years and a few months later)
puffy vs. wavy...a lot of that will be dictated by your genetics. i have wavy hair that is pretty darn long. it looks nice when i keep it trimmed, condition it(don't use a volumizing conditioner if you don't want puffy), and i never use a comb or brush. this is where it is probably different for all hair. if i comb or brush it, it turns into a big poofy frizz ball. but, when i shower, i make sure to use my fingers to straighten it out, get rid of nots, and just let it form into its own little locks. when these dry they turn into little curls.
JoeVice said:
puffy vs. wavy...a lot of that will be dictated by your genetics. i have wavy hair that is pretty darn long. it looks nice when i keep it trimmed, condition it(don't use a volumizing conditioner if you don't want puffy), and i never use a comb or brush. this is where it is probably different for all hair. if i comb or brush it, it turns into a big poofy frizz ball. but, when i shower, i make sure to use my fingers to straighten it out, get rid of nots, and just let it form into its own little locks. when these dry they turn into little curls.

Let it all grow, just trim it a little every so often. That's it. There is, as people have already pointed out, a period of time where it looks retarded. You can either fold at that point or continue to let it grow. I just got 5 inches of my hair cut off about a month ago. When it does get long, and gets uneven, it will start to get really thin and scraggly at the ends. Cut that off.
affinityband said:
Umm how on earth do metalers say they dont give a shit what they look like when they purposefuly grow their hair? GOOD ONE.
Because growing hair requires no's just letting nature do its work and not fussing over how you look. Hell, I don't even comb my hair at my current length.