Not sure about this guitar tone (AD/SoloC)


I'm not yelling!
Mar 12, 2009
San Antonio, TX
This is a song I'm still in the process of tracking and the vocals aren't in it yet, but I'm toying with the guitar tones and how the mix fits together. I'm not sure if I'm happy with where it's going yet. Fresh ears tell me yes, tired-of-mixing ears tell me maybe :lol: The style is a little odd so I figured I'd let you guys sling mud at where it's going so far. By all means, any feedback is welcome.

Chain is Jackson SLSMG -> M-Audio FT Pro -> TSS -> SoloC -> SIR2 (Framus V30), just double-tracked.
I actually like the style of the song. It gets a little repetitive without any vocals but that's to be expected. The guitar tone sounds pretty good to my ears. It almost sounds like you are playing with really old/dead strings though. It just doesn't have the brightness and presence that I usually like. Sounds good anyway.
Hm. Interesting response. The strings are new, but I think what you might be hearing (or not hearing, rather) is a bit more gain than I would normally use on double-tracked guitars, because the left and right parts are quite syncopated. Less gain was tightening up the tracks solo, but feeling a little wimpy in the mix together. I might try mic'ing up my 5150II when I have access to it again and run the DI's through it, maybe the distortion character will give me some more clarity without feeling disparate.
Not bad at all. When you get bass in the mix you might want to tame the lower end but I think it sounds awesome!

Haha, thanks. ..... but there is bass in it already! :blush: Granted, it's just shitty stand-in bass until I can track it properly, but yes. That's not low-end running wild as much as it is actual notes :lol:
Hm. Interesting response. The strings are new, but I think what you might be hearing (or not hearing, rather) is a bit more gain than I would normally use on double-tracked guitars, because the left and right parts are quite syncopated. Less gain was tightening up the tracks solo, but feeling a little wimpy in the mix together. I might try mic'ing up my 5150II when I have access to it again and run the DI's through it, maybe the distortion character will give me some more clarity without feeling disparate.

Yea, hopefully I didn't give a bad impression.:Saint: I'm not saying the tone sounds bad at all. I was just being picky. When you have a solid tone like that, most of the time its just personal preference after that. To me it just seems a little dark.
Yea, hopefully I didn't give a bad impression.:Saint: I'm not saying the tone sounds bad at all. I was just being picky. When you have a solid tone like that, most of the time its just personal preference after that. To me it just seems a little dark.

Not at all, I get what you're saying, and I definitely appreciate the positive feedback!