Notable 2017 Releases to Come

Vaura, Toby Driver, Gorillaz, Noltem, LCD Soundsystem, Chromatics, Run The Jewels, Slowdive, Glass Candy, Ride, Akercocke, Lydia Ainsworth, Neutral Milk Hotel, The Horrors
The new Laster (ons vrije fatum), the Great Old Ones (a tale of dark legacy), Turia (dede kondre) and the awesome abigor/thy darkended shade/nightbringer split

On that last note for Abigor--are there any other second wavey bands that are still around making quality albums, expanding their sound but still staying within the confines of bm--Their 2014 album is easily top 3 in their entire discography--I really can't think of any off hand? anyone...?
On that last note for Abigor--are there any other second wavey bands that are still around making quality albums, expanding their sound but still staying within the confines of bm

maybe Enthroned. I thought their recent material was pretty solid.

That Great Old Ones album is a blast indeed, I listen to it basically two or three times daily since it's out. It's an addiction I guess. Don't want it to wear off so far.
I think I've reached that Ali moment in my life. About 10years ago he ranted about being sick of new music and the search for that unknown gem. At that junction I couldnt wrap my brain around it as I was in the maw of the metal sand worm, seeking and vetting the obscure. Probably for twenty something e-peen metal validity points. Now I see where he was coming from. Tons and tons of music yet to be explored from the more prominent to semi prominent bands of yesteryear. (80/90s) Any modern album better be top shelf ala Eternal Warrior or a solid contribution from an established act such as Nokturnal Mortum for me to shell out a kopeck.
i somewhat agree, as i was right there a few years ago. I would only buy stuff from established bands.

then I found Bandcamp. I love buying music directly from the artists. they throw in little stuff like thank you notes, stickers, pins, extra cds. i never buy from online sellers like The End, Redstream, Hells Headbangers or whoever the flave of the month is. i also dont need every release from a band. if Bandcamp only offers 1 out of the 5 releases, I buy the 1 and forget the rest, not tracking them down.

Music is fun for me again.
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