Note to Flal

Feb 1, 2005
Buffalo, New York
Just to let you know, if ur going to the Nile show tomorrow u can only get the tickets at the door since the penny arcade didnt sell the tickets through ticketmaster cuz they didnt like the service charge fee that ticketmaster wanted.

Cya there tomorrow if ur going :-D.
(ill be the only dude with a Breeding Death shirt on, lol)

(maybe ill get peter to sign some of my shit NMF shit :grin: )
Oh man, the dumbest thing test Latin test was reset for friday =( My friend and I were going to spend the night in rochester (cuz it's a 6 hour drive to get there) but we can't anymore =( It fucking sucks cuz i've been wanting to see nile for years and i just started really getting into hypocrisy. Plus decapitated is my second fav death metal band after bloodbath lol I saw them twice but i wish i could've gone to this show.....mabey some other time, we could get together and have a beer =) Thx for the info tho and have a good time man! Lucky fuck lol
Mass_Strangulation said:
aw that sucks man, well...goodluck with ur latin test then
ill try and get some pics and post them up on here later so u can see what u missed out on :p

If any other big shows don't come to canada but go to rochester i'll prob go, hope to meet ya sometime.

hope you have fun.....bastard son of a bitch
transient said:
i get a huge kick out of the fact that "stultus" meaning stupid in latin is so similar to "stolt" in danish meaning proud:Spin:

Hahahaha, cool. There are a ton of words like that in latin. Check the etymology of the word nice =) It was actually an insult before.
Here's a link for you latin students. Me and friend did this for fun. Everything is done with voices (including wind, screches which i did with an inhale lol, backround voices, etc). Really cheesy story line, a guy wants to summon a demon and when he does the deamon tells him in latin (the demon speaks latin for some reason) that he's going to overcome his world with destruction. lol, it took us about 3 hours and was alot of fun to record. The file will be up for 7 days, enjoy! (to relate this to bloodbath: if only we could use pitch shift like for the demon to sound good. SOmetimes with mike's vocals i wonder.....then i listen to opeth live and realize how wrong i am)

Oh, and i'm "the hero" (the guy that summons)