Nothing is Everything!!!


Jul 8, 2002
Curitiba, Brasil
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Hello people

I'm new at this forum and I don't know if the tab for this song has already been posted,
cause I've been trying to transcribe it and I'm not very lucky :(

I think this is one of the best songs from Individual and maybe even from Death
that chorus is fucking great!!

"Look deep into their eyes!!!"

damn Death cover people, only want to play the hardest songs, hehe

greetings from brasil! see ya
You're right on that man! That is one awesome bass line there! Combined with those emotional guitars, man, it just sounds otherworldy! Definitely one of the highlights of the album. But there's so many great parts, I better not start thinking or I'll be naming them all night! :lol:
Pô, meu, põe malucas nisso!! hahahaha

O Steve deve ter tomado uns 5 litros de vinho pra ter tocado aquilo, hahahahahaaha
Hehehe e uns 2 baseado neh!

hey Steve, just a question, in what do you think when doing your stuff on Death songs?
I've been trying to find some scale pattern or something on the Nothing Is Everything's chorus, but I can't!!

Thank you!
Long live pot smoking bass players!