November . 17 . 2005 - 'Mastering finished and Daylight Dies beer part 2'


living, breathing
Apr 29, 2001
Solitary Refinement
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]The mastering for our up-coming album "Dismantling Devotion" was completed earlier this month at The Cutting Room by Thomas Eberger. We finally heard the finished product earlier this week and everyone is extremely satisfied. The recording captured the rich texture of sounds we were shooting for and is heavy and punchy as well. Agni Kaster will finish the layout this week. The cover artwork, final track listing and song lengths will be revealed before the end of next week.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]In other news, we had such a good experience brewing "Daylight Dies" beer in December 2003 that we decided to do it again. Last week the band travelled up to Washington D.C. and met with friend Alejandro Nogales to bottle a second round of German-styled dunkelweiss beers which we brewed a month ago. As usual, we had a great time raising hell and returning with a huge supply of beer to consume.
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Haha! I still have one bottle of the original DD brew sitting in my fridge! I don't think beer stays fresh after a few years so I guess it's more of a collectors item at this point. Now I just need... AT LEAST two from this new batch. Several to drink and one to keep!
jptk said:
Thats awesome news! Things are looking up.
How do I get me one of these beers?

Unfortunately selling alcohol online and shipping them is more headache than it's worth. So I'll just drink one for you, OK?

Here's a random picture taken pre-alcoholocaust..

from left to right: me, alejandro, nathan..

jesse said:
Unfortunately selling alcohol online and shipping them is more headache than it's worth. So I'll just drink one for you, OK?

Here's a random picture taken pre-alcoholocaust..

from left to right: me, alejandro, nathan..


Awesome,:kickass: cheers
Sam_Seed said:
Haha! I still have one bottle of the original DD brew sitting in my fridge! I don't think beer stays fresh after a few years so I guess it's more of a collectors item at this point. too. It looks like a terrarium in there. I'm pretty sure if I open it now a lungfish will crawl out.