November 26 is Eric's Birthday...

Frogs, bout Alvin and the Chipmunks! Nothing like singing along with helium:grin:

Personally, I am generally a scrooge around x-mas (thanks to having worked retail for 7 years, ugh). So there are VERY few x-mas type CD's that I can stand. My fave seems to be Gary Hoey (guitar doooood that puts a rock and roll twist on the classic x-mas shit. It's all instrumental.). He's got three volumes out to my knowledge. Funny how I found out about him too...a few/several years back the guy I was dating had gone to a strip club around x-mas and one of the gals was stripping to Hoey's version of "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer". He just HAD to go up and ask the dj who the hell it was. If you ever hear the song, you can TOTALLY see why it was used in a strip club;) Cheers.