Novembre - The Blue


Dec 3, 2002
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While browsing a fun torrent site today, I noticed that they had an album called "The Blue" from a band called Novembre in the metal section. Since there'd been such a huge length of time between Novembrine Waltz and Materia, and I hadn't heard a single thing about it despite occasionally reading their myspace, I figured it couldn't be them, but downloaded it anyway. BUT, it is them, and it pretty much is awesome. It's a LOT heavier than Materia was, it sounds more like Dreams D'Azur/Wish I Could Dream It Again than any of their other albums. There's a bunch of actual guitar solos and some of the songs have some pretty obvious old school Katatonia influence. It's awesome, in short. I dunno when the actual thing is coming out, but I'll buy this one for sure.

Just a heads-up, in case there are other fans on this board that were unaware of this impending album.
Yeh I only heard about this recently also. Kinda suprised that it was out so soon after 'Materia'...think its out around november or something.

Hey are there more growls on this album than the last?
Yeh I only heard about this recently also. Kinda suprised that it was out so soon after 'Materia'...think its out around november or something.

Hey are there more growls on this album than the last?

Yeah, a LOT more. It's probably about 50/50 growls/singing.

AND i can't pm any torrents cause i got it off members only site with nazi invite system lolol
After novembre started to get a tad boring, they came out with Materia, and with that, put out my favorite song by them, Aquamarie, something powerful and hit-worthy, did a great cover of the song The Promise, and put out a couple other pretty good songs on far my fav albulm from them.

This new song...seems a little along the lines of a try-it-again-Aquamarine
shouldnt try to get a hit the same way more than once, it doesnt work
the track is nice, but sorta blends with everything else they've done
nothing stand-out.....
"the blue" although a great name, kinda suits them, materia already gave off that ocean-y blue feel.....time for a new feel, but i think this albulms gonna be a Materia mixed with some older albulm of theirs....
also sucks how the cd cover isnt drawn like usual, i love drawn covers
Novembre are a really talented band
but with a good, hit-worthy producer, they could go so far in making their music less boring and more powerful/rythemic/chorus-y without sucking....