Now Annette out of Nightwish

I'm wondering about something. I assume Floor doesn't live in the US, right? Unless she's just been chillin' here since PP. All this went down on Friday, but Anette played the show on Saturday, so you're telling me that they called Floor up, and got her ready to rock and roll by Monday? Conspiracy theorist in me thinks that maybe Floor had been asked to "be ready at a moment's notice" because they knew something was brewing. But, I could be totally off my rocker.


Some bands wouldn't dump you that way because it's a friendship/relationship thing. I remember when Rick Allen lost his arm and they asked Joe Elliot if they were planning to replace him. Ellliot's reply was pure class: "You don't replace a mate." How many bands - of ANY genre - would say that? I can tell you, that quality is almost non-existent.

It exists, it really does! It's just sad when you realize how rare that sort of thing is.

I'll be honest, the more I read of Anette's blog, the worse I feel for her. She definitely made a mistake, a very bad move, by going public with how she felt.. but the poor lady had the flu.. and now she's lost her job. :( How many of us have made a mistake at work and lost their job? Probably more than a few. Imagine if that sort of humiliation went public, to the gleeful cries of thousands? I couldn't imagine..
I don't see or hear that at all. She had great melodies, you could understand the words, her mid range was great, and her voice complimented the music. The popularity of the band and record sales, I think, represent the step-up in the vocal delivery department, I think.

Btw, Tarja ain't coming back. And neither is Geoff Tate. Or John Arch. Or John Anderson. Oh wait, John Anderson just might be back, maybe before he turns 80... ;)

Again, for some of us it has NOTHING TO DO WITH TARJA.
I'm wondering about something. I assume Floor doesn't live in the US, right? Unless she's just been chillin' here since PP. All this went down on Friday, but Anette played the show on Saturday, so you're telling me that they called Floor up, and got her ready to rock and roll by Monday? Conspiracy theorist in me thinks that maybe Floor had been asked to "be ready at a moment's notice" because they knew something was brewing. But, I could be totally off my rocker.

I was wondering how they got a work visa arranged so fast. But maybe her visa for PP was good for a couple of months or something. I honestly don't know how these things work.

And really, I don't care that much, because I get to see Kamelot, Nightwish, and Floor tonight! :headbang:
Again, for some of us it has NOTHING TO DO WITH TARJA.

Yep. I don't like Tarja. (insert usual comment about disliking operatic vocals.) I do like Anette. However, I do not care so much that I'm crushed by the news, just glad I got to see her with them once, and enjoying the dramatic handwringing across the forums.
Sorry, but why the fuck do you keep mentioning John Arch? He didn't rejoin Fates Warning, but he started a new band with the other members of Fates Warning and played mostly Fates Warning tunes at their gigs, close enough I think. Anyways.

I can't stand newer Nightwish, not the singer's fault though. I'm just bored of those damn poppy metal songs with disco drum beats. I simply can' get into it. That's some seriously wicked money that Tuomas apparently makes though, good for them.

It was a (semi) joke, dude. I alluded to the situation where the hardcore (insert old singer here:__________) fanboy(s) are seemingly frothing at the mouth the second there seems to be dissent in the ranks in a beloved band (Fates, Nightwish, etc) and start gloating about the possibilities of the old singer "finally" coming back to the band and supplanting the current singer. I was being a bit flip.

I get folks who don't like Anette, although Tarja is much more polarizing vocalist to me. Operatic vocals are far more "fringe" to me than melodic "pop" singers. I like melody. Listenable melody. And mid-to-high range vocalists. I could never personally tolerate operatic vocalists (hence my dislike for the screechiness of the Tarja-era Nightwish). I certainly wouldn't consider Anette-era Nightwish "disco" pop metal. It's obviously still symphonic (power) metal. There's just a far more distinct concentration and focus on melody and memorable vocal melodies, which is a great thing to my ears.

As always, you say potato, I say potato, and we enjoy our respective dinners. :)
This is very disappointing news for me, as a fan, to hear. :confused: With that said, Nightwish would make a very wise move in hiring Floor full time. Much like the Kamelot situation, I think the band would come out on top in the end if they do that. I don't have anything to base the following statement on, but Floor doesn't strike me as the "drama queen/diva" type. Again, I could be wrong in my assessment.

I'll be honest, the more I read of Anette's blog, the worse I feel for her. She definitely made a mistake, a very bad move, by going public with how she felt.. but the poor lady had the flu.. and now she's lost her job. :(

Come on Nina, I know you're not that stupid, this couldn't have been the only thing that caused this.
I gotta say this kinda sucks. I liked both cd releases with Anette on them. I saw her play live 5 times, and I enjoyed them all. But if the band doesn't want her there, and she doesn't want to be there, this is probably for the best.
I'll be honest, the more I read of Anette's blog, the worse I feel for her. She definitely made a mistake, a very bad move, by going public with how she felt.. but the poor lady had the flu.. and now she's lost her job. How many of us have made a mistake at work and lost their job? Probably more than a few. Imagine if that sort of humiliation went public, to the gleeful cries of thousands? I couldn't imagine..

Nina I agree with Patrick, I don't think this was the only reason. I for one will wait until all the facts are in. Everyone can speculate on the whys and wherefors, but until all the facts and an announcement is made, i think we should just say farewell Annette is was fun while it lasted and hello Floor and to maybe a whole new era and chapter of Nightwish.

Alot of folks may not like Annette, and some may still like Tarja, but I believe those to eras are over and done with, forever. It is time to move on.

I have only seen one vague report from the first show Floor did in Seattle and it was very encouraging, short and to the Point.
Come on Nina, I know you're not that stupid, this couldn't have been the only thing that caused this.

I already said that I don't think this is the only thing that caused this. I've said that at least twice now. What I'm saying is that the timing really sucks and that I feel bad for the poor girl.
I'll be honest, the more I read of Anette's blog, the worse I feel for her. She definitely made a mistake, a very bad move, by going public with how she felt.. but the poor lady had the flu.. and now she's lost her job. :( How many of us have made a mistake at work and lost their job? Probably more than a few. Imagine if that sort of humiliation went public, to the gleeful cries of thousands? I couldn't imagine..

I mostly agree. But some of this goes to the business-partner-vs-bandmate dichotomy already discussed. Lots of employees get fired for one mistake, especially one that embarrasses the business. But most of us don’t jettison our friends for one mistake. Still though, what went down with the blog was likely the last straw in a growing set of problems. I claim to know nothing of internal Nightwish politics though.

On the bright side, this is a hell of an opportunity for Floor. I’ve felt for years that Floor and After Forever had immensely more talent than recognition. I just checked out a couple of vids of Nightwish with Floor (bad audio) but she was owning the stage and the crowd seemed totally into it. Floor’s strong ability to do rock and opera voice should be a huge asset.
I'll be honest, the more I read of Anette's blog, the worse I feel for her. She definitely made a mistake, a very bad move, by going public with how she felt.. but the poor lady had the flu.. and now she's lost her job. :( How many of us have made a mistake at work and lost their job? Probably more than a few. Imagine if that sort of humiliation went public, to the gleeful cries of thousands? I couldn't imagine..

I don't think the situations are really similar. What Anette did was like calling into work sick, the company having someone else cover her shift, and then call a press conference with every media outlet in the world to talk about how offended she is that the work got done without her. The public humiliation goes both ways and I'm sure her blog post was embarrassing for the other guys in the band as much as her firing was for herself.