"Now Destroying Facebook"


ATL Based Power-Thrash
Dec 5, 2007
Are you on facebook? So are we!

Fan Page

Group Page

Thanks for the ongoing support! Big things could be happening for us in 2009! Opportunities are knocking at our door, so stay updated by visiting our myspace page and facebook group/fan page!

Destroying The Internet,

Eclipsed By Sanity
Myspace Page
I don't get the idea of Facebook. I guess if I were one of those people who took pictures with my camera phone every day, I'd use Facebook. I don't really feel the need to do that though, so I'll stick with MySpace.
I don't get the idea of Facebook. I guess if I were one of those people who took pictures with my camera phone every day, I'd use Facebook. I don't really feel the need to do that though, so I'll stick with MySpace.

It's like self inflicted torture. If you hate them both (with good reason) why use either?

Not really. To clarify, I really do like Facebook, but their new changes (profile info is tabbed, certain options under profile pictures are removed, etc. etc.) make it feel foreign and cluttered. Yes, I hate the changes to the point of spitting on Facebook's name at times, but I still like having the social network that I've had for the past 5 or however many years. It's kinda like Everquest: Loved the game to death back in its original unmolested form, but I hate the new game content with a passion .. their changes killed the game .. but, I still love Everquest.

Yes, confusing :goggly:

Now, trying to navigate the visual vomit that is a MySpace page: THAT is self-inflicted torture.
I don't get the idea of Facebook. I guess if I were one of those people who took pictures with my camera phone every day, I'd use Facebook. I don't really feel the need to do that though, so I'll stick with MySpace.

Facebook's setup is a little nicer for reading what people are up to and replying to things they write. I don't ever post photos but a bunch of my friends do and they're able to tag me in any photo I appear so I can easily check out their photos without going through an entire album. I only ever logged into Myspace about once a month. I'm not much better with Facebook but I at least check up on things while the logging into myspace was just to delete friend requests and see if anyone sent me a message. The application stuff is annoying as hell though. I never participate because I don't like the idea of a bunch of third party companies getting my information by allowing something to be installed on my account.
And unlike others, I love the new setup. It makes looking at profiles that install a million applications far less annoying.
Now, trying to navigate the visual vomit that is a MySpace page: THAT is self-inflicted torture.

God yes.

Which is why, with the exception of a few text-color changes, I've never made any tweaks or installed any background images or apps or other crazy crap on my MySpace profile page, like seemingly everyone else has.

I've always been a bit of a revolutionary. :lol:

Facebook's setup is a little nicer for reading what people are up to and replying to things they write. I don't ever post photos but a bunch of my friends do and they're able to tag me in any photo I appear so I can easily check out their photos without going through an entire album.

Hmm, MySpace has the 'tagging' option. Works pretty well.

The application stuff is annoying as hell though. I never participate because I don't like the idea of a bunch of third party companies getting my information by allowing something to be installed on my account.

+1 definitely.
Unfortunately MySpace is a necessary evil. For me anyway. Many ground-level bands use it to promote themselves, and/or it offers a simple fast hub for band information. On most days, I loathe MySpace with all of my soul's fire and literally dread logging on. That's only because of feelings projected onto it from experiences related, like bands pissing me off or people harassing me. Nonetheless...

Though I can't understand why people do it, MySpace is waaaaaay better(?) for posting random daily camera-phone pictures. I do enjoy posting some pictures from time to time (post-PP for example) but I hate Facebook's photo system with a burning passion. MySpace tags photos just as easily.

I actually enjoy the applications on Facebook quite a bit and use the website predominately for it's entertainment value. MySpace got the idea from Facebook, but has nothing on 'em. Some of Facebook's applications are a lot of fun (Wrestler, Fluff Friends, and Battle of the Bands, namely), whereas MySpace's applications just plain stink. Some of them are exactly duplicates, but MySpace is too slow and disjointed to really make it worthwhile.

MySpace is the bane of my existence; something I've had contempt for for years now. I've tried to leave, but it sucks me back in for the simple fact that it does have things no other site offers with the same quality. If Facebook had a better photo gallery and figured out a way to get bands involved better (music-purposed profiles or player add-ons), I'd probably dedicate to it wholly.
If Facebook had a better photo gallery and figured out a way to get bands involved better (music-purposed profiles or player add-ons), I'd probably dedicate to it wholly.

They DO have music-purposed profiles, as well as a handy hook-in with iLike, and the ability to let fans add photos & such..it's a decent enough place to have a band page, & it is SO much easier to add tour dates on than MySpace is.
They DO have music-purposed profiles, as well as a handy hook-in with iLike, and the ability to let fans add photos & such..it's a decent enough place to have a band page, & it is SO much easier to add tour dates on than MySpace is.

Oh really? So they have actual band profiles, not just bands using the groups function? Hmm.. this could be the best news all day. iLike is alright, but it's still just an application within the site.
I don't get the idea of Facebook. I guess if I were one of those people who took pictures with my camera phone every day, I'd use Facebook. I don't really feel the need to do that though, so I'll stick with MySpace.

I agree. I don't like the lay out of Facebook and the fact they force you to use your "real" name kind of pisses me off. 1. Half of my friends don't refer to me by my "real" name, nor do most of them know my legal last name because I hate it and refuse to use it. (I think there are a total of 2 people on this board that know my given last name).

2. The last thing I want is my full name up on the internet right next to my location, considering that I live small section of town.

Yeah, I'm sure there are ways to change it, but being fairly computer savy if it takes me longer than 10 minutes to figure out a lay out, fuck it.

So yeah, I hate Facebook. Disabled my account long ago.

I agree. I don't like the lay out of Facebook and the fact they force you to use your "real" name kind of pisses me off.

Not me..I'm 'Jax VH' on there, and that's definitely not my 'real' name. That said, I prefer not to use my real name as well, for personal reasons, so I can definitely sympathize with you on this one. :)

Jax<-who knows your real name but won't tell ;x
Not me..I'm 'Jax VH' on there, and that's definitely not my 'real' name. That said, I prefer not to use my real name as well, for personal reasons, so I can definitely sympathize with you on this one. :)

Jax<-who knows your real name but won't tell ;x

Half true. You know my real first name, but not my legal last name. :)

As I stated I know there are ways to change it, but I couldn't figure it out and I'm not a computer idiot either. I just deleted my account.

Hmm, MySpace has the 'tagging' option. Works pretty well.

That must be a newer feature because I never noticed it back when my friends used it regularly before switching to Facebook. I don't upload pictures but I never got tagged on any myspace pics despite my friend's posting pictures from parties at my house a few years ago.
That must be a newer feature because I never noticed it back when my friends used it regularly before switching to Facebook.

Yes, it's relatively new. A filthy swine of an animal who deserves to die in a fire convinced me to join MySpace three years ago, and tagging was not an option then.