Now Drinking (ND)... :)

yep, but unfortunately I can't think of smth interesting really.........
Would be cool to know if they guys are up to anything at all these days.....

ND: water
Originally posted by Ziuwarian
You mean, besides drinking, of course, right? :guh:

Cola, the Coca one, that concentrate of chemical agents and sugar in a 50:50 mix

Yes, I mean beside drinking :lol:
But on the other hand I don´t have any ideas either :)
But like Gaunerin Im very curius about what the guys are up to.
Back to topic:

ND: Beer, the German one, not that whatever-this-might-be-defined-as-but-we-dont-care-since-we-just-export-it-to-other-beer-taste-deprived-people-ditch-water but REAL beer :) :) And death to those damn beer mixes! Why the hell would I want Cola in my beer? Beer's beer...

Hey, I could philosophize about beer all day... but, there was something else.. oh yeah! I wanted to share this beer with HeavyM! Happy birthday (so says UM, at least ;) ) and have loads of more beer :zombie:

time to change the subject from beer-talk to something else...

maybe something with music might bring something else than alcoholic thoughts...
Originally posted by Ziuwarian

Hey, I could philosophize about beer all day... but, there was something else.. oh yeah! I wanted to share this beer with HeavyM! Happy birthday (so says UM, at least ;) ) and have loads of more beer :zombie:

Hey thanks man (didn´t notice the messege until now), it was my 20th birthdays the 24sep...nice that someone om UM noticed ut...thanks again :)

ND: Tea (im freezing!) and some of Ziuwarians beer :grin: