Now Drinking Thread

I've never puked because of alcohol or booze... But I had two bad trips with mixing both intensively !
And one VERY VERY bad trip with a space yogurt that I unintentionnaly overdosed with canabis. It was my worst experience in terms of getting stoned. I was listening to AIC's Unplugged album when digestion made its first effects 4 hours after eating the evil thing. I remember watching hours passing on the clock, standing inert, with saliva dripping from me mouth :lol: I remember I wasn't able to make the moves i wished to make. I was totally out of control and I don't even remember how it ended ... I was sitting at my desk with lights on and woke up the day after at 5 PM in my bed with lights off ... dunno what happened during this lapse of time :confused: Hopefully I didn't wake me parents to take me to the hospital :grin:
I've never felt so physically bad in my life.
Well now I'm carefull I don't drink or smoke too much :lol:
Call me a puff if you want but I haven't been highly drunk or very stoned
for more than one year and I'm thinking about becoming straightedge :lol: :Spin: :lol:

Cheers !!!!!!
* Sippin' Vodka*
damn. seems like the party's over again. not a single beer left. yet the thirst remains
saliva dripping from me mouth because i know there are pints and other beers in the refrigerator.

Not for long :muahaha:

NP: Amorphis - Summer's End
fuckin great, though same as expire, the ending :yell:
what's wrong with the ending? don't tell me you find a 5'30 song long... tuonela is an amazing record. that and tales.