The NOW Thread (eating, drinking, wearing, feeling, etc..)

Now drinking - espresso
Now playing - Celtic Frost Monotheist album which I was lucky enough to see in concert last year:notworthy
Now smoking - endless cigarettes
Now thinking - I'm sure glad I have a fan in here but it is late at night nice and cool out
now drinking: apple flavored water
now eating: some kind of mixture whose English name i dont know made with cookies for babies and fruit (banana, apple, kiwi, and fresh grapefruit juice). I know its babyfood, but i love it!
NP: Anathema - Alternative 4
NP: Aeternum - Under the Sacred Tr... (Myspace won't show me the full song name)

NW: Jeans, plain cream top, Giant bear feet slippers, black socks, boxers, a belt, glasses

NE: Nothing, maybe later a Pot Noodle though...

ND: Nothing.. but soon, some Coke

NF: Feeling that i've been on the PC too long...
Now drinking: lemonade.

Now wanting: The huge bottle of water that's on the dining room table. I think I'm going to go get it.
now drinking: sparkling water

now playing: sentenced - no one there / senteced - aika multaa muistot

now thinking/feeling: i am really bored, i wish classes and uni sport had already started again. Recently there have been a few times were i couldnt fell asleep because i was thinking too much (why isnt there a "pause" button on brains? :p). That haddnt happened in a long time. And the move to another town in october somehow gets on my nerves because it is so much to organise, and will cost quite a lot. ( my b-day will rule: unpacking stuff and decorating the appartment :cry: and i hope this time that i will be with my bf -the damned exam he has that week will probabily mess that plan up-).
I am also afraid that i havent been behaving nice enough with the person i love the most, and i am afraid to lose him.
Now thinking about Adam.

Now waiting for my finger nail varnish to dry.

Now wanting to go to England. NOW.
Nw: Black Jeans dark green tank top
Ja: garlice bread Pizza
Nf: surprised at some of the stiupid things iv read from my brothers ex wife and ex Best friend and fulll :-<
NP: Porcupine
Tree - Deadwing album

NW: shorts, adidas tank top

NE: Nothing

ND: water

NF: Awesome