Now drinking; Warsteiner

Iced In Flames said:
sounds like a sissy beer;)
I hate to correct you but Warsteiner is a sissy beer.

No honestly!

I shared a beer with a British friend, he had a Warsteiner, and didn't like it at all.
He asked me to translate the label, which read "die Königin unter den Bieren" or something along those lines, which is translated "the Queen amongst the Beers".

"Ah", he replied, "no wonder I didn't like it, it's a beer for girls, it's a Queen, a sissy beer...."
Do you mean is my truck diesel? If that's what you mean, nah, Broncos never had diesels put in them, same goes for F-150's. I'm not sure about Ford vans, but the only thing, I think have diesels are the F-250 and 350's. It has to do with frame strength.

Edit after re-reading: Damnit now I feel stupid.
due to not having a lot to do tomorow at work(an advantage of being self employed),i am going down the pub shortly to drink stella and then some whisky,possibly macallan.

there is some duvel in the fridge for when i get home.
saturday night by myself,just done stella,leffe,duvel,a little glass of rum and am now finishing off with a whiskey.
this could explain why it seems to have taken me 10 years to type this.