Now: eating/drinking/playing/watching/doing/whatever

Eatting: Clementines
Drinking: Fruit Punch
Watching: Random ass youtube vids
Doing: Just on the forum. I'm bored :/
Feels: Exhausted, but is too lazy to move :p

eating chinese food,
drinking monster energy drink
listening to Animals As Leaders - Inamorata

I enjoy that album (on CD, not lossless recording) very much.

Doing: dipping snuff, listening to Zappa/Beefheart - Advance Romance
Beat Dragon Age II, it was complete shit. Currently eating steak & cheese playing Fallout New Vegas.
Just finished eating plain pasta with melted cheese because I was too lazy to make a sauce, drinking Pepsi Light, listening to Insomnium and trying to ignore my textbook calling to me to read it because I have an exam tomorrow. :(

*Expert procrastinator*