now fucking playing!!!!!!!!!!!!

just added to the rotation at rapture radio(
horned god
dead silent slumber
agoraphobic nosebleed

and a little insider note if you have never checked out swedens legion holy jesus fucking christ they kill! i just got their newest release their first full length
"unseen to creation"my god i have not been shredded in as many pieces since i first heard dissection!
legion's "knee deep in blood" is currently featured in the rapture rotation!
wes/rapture radio
Yea all I've heard is "The Legion this and the legion that" but these guys are definantly worth checking out. I'm also hooked on a fairly new band to the scene, As I Lay Dying, which has recently released their first full length, Frail Words. They're more of a Darkest Hour/At the Gates rip off.... I love it!