Henrik Main
NocturnalSun said:well damn, LuminousAether, I was givin my fuckin opinion not readin out of some Punk 101 textbook... apparently i said ur mothers a $2 whore by the way ur gettin pissed off @ me... chill dude
how does politics enter in punk? I don't hear any bands singing about laws they hate or the corrupt government. Environmental? what is that anyway... the sky is blue? be more specific dude.
And yes, it's a fuckin GIVEN that every genre has its weak and generic shit, but I was just saying that punk rock has far more generic shit than any other genre. u need 2 chill the fuck out or go punch a wall n get ur random anger out hahahaaa![]()
You idiot. Have you ever heard about Propagandhi? Dead Kennedys? Even freaking NOFX? Terrorgruppe? Sex Pistols? The Business? Social Distortion? Minor Threat? Dag Nasty? Down By Law? PUNK is the most political genre there is, dammit! It was meant to be music for the working class and/or the politically aware. PUNK is to criticize the government, the established state, capitalism, . 98% of all punk bands are politically and socially aware. And you may claim that punk is easy to play, but the energy and the emotions inside the music is something I never find in any other genre. You obviously think that Blink 182 and Sum 41 are punk. You're so wrong it hurts. Please take your time reading some of these lyrics:
Propagandhi - "Hate, Myth, Muscle, Etiquette"
Mark your point of failing. It begins where you concede.
Hesitate. Procrastinate. Sedating.
All configured to impede your path.
You need a good kick in the ass.
Now take a step back and have a long hard look.
Hold it to the light and read it like a book.
Analyze the past and present to see what is to come.
Now wrap your lips around the barrel of the gun.
Mark my point of failing. It began where I gave in.
Comfort. Convenience. Placating.
Construed to suck me in, to their trap.
I need a good kick in the ass.
As time passed I realized we don't need rules to survive.
Just common sense and means to subsist.
So from here on in I will resist.
I've finally realized. I've found my way at last.
It's finally evident.
We all need a kick in the ass.
The basis of change: educate! Derived from discussion,
not hate, not myth, not muscle, not etiquette.
Intellect, not "re-elect!".
Status symbols yield to respect between sex, species, environment.
Propagandhi - "Apparently, I'm A "P.C. Fascist" (Because I Care About Both Human And Non-human"
Some of my otherwise brilliant and productive friends
(like scoundrels and their flags)
take final refuge in character assasinations;
They ignore the issue and deny the relation between our consumption and brutality.
So you can go ahead and roll your eyes and marginalize me
socially penalize me: play on my insecurities.
And you can feign ignorance, but you're not stupid, you're just selfish.
And you're a slave to your impulse.
And I kinda thought we all shared common threads in that we gravitated
here to challenge the conventions we've been fed by a culture that treats
(living, breathing, feeling) creatures like (biological) machines.
And if you buy that shit then how long 'till it's me who serves as your commodity?
Through (for example),
institutionalized violence and oppression of workers and women raped by sexism
(and how about native americans?).
Do you still insist on feigning indignance (aka: indignation) to reason?
To collective self-interest?
Tell you what- I'll call you on your shit,
Then we can grow together and make this shit-hole planet better in time.
So why not consider someone else: STOP CONSUMING ANIMALS.
Randy - "Whom To Blame"
Can you explain our way of treating Mother Earth, the way we're eating from her skin, makes things more complexed everyday we carry on. All our scientists progressions may look spectacular on screen, but right now its obvious that our world dies in between. What if all this rape of nature finds an ending. Then is it possible repairing every single leaf that we have killed. Or has all this explotation been to demanding. And there we stand just wondering and pretending that we dont know why. But every single man knows exactly whom to blame. Cause the killer in this case is noone, no its noone but yourself. Can you explain our way of treating mother earth, the way were eating from her skin, makes things more complexed everyday we carry on. Now it's time to realize one time for all, this won't work out anymore, lets change this ignorance to awareness and respect.
NOFX - "The Irrationality Of Rationality"
Frank, the new CEO had to answer to the board.
The board was getting anxious, and the shareholders were
on a bed, legs in air, ass-cheeks open wide
They were about to get fucked like it was their first time.
When one makes 20 million, ten thousand people lose.
What keeps that one from swallowing a shotgun?
Dan, the company man, felt loyalty to the core.
After 16 years of service, and a family to support
He actually started to believe the weaponry and chemicals were for national defense.
'Cause Danny had a mortgage, and a boss to answer to.
The guilty don't feel guilty, they learn not to.
Helen is living in her car, trying to feed her kids.
She got laid off at work, and her house was repossessed.
It's hard to think clearly when it's 38 degrees.
Desperate people have been known to render desperate deeds.
But when she shot that family and moved into their home,
The paper read she suffered from dementia.