Now I'm the new guy??


53% velociraptor
Nov 10, 2002
Atlanta, GA
What up everybody? Many of you may know me from the Dream Theater board, but I see several unfamiliar names as well. Anyway, I'm here too now, so I just thought I'd say hey!
OK, see ya later!
Scottie!! Good to see ya, man!!


Tip for surviving here: don't look at a picture of Hearse for too long. :D

Lady, that new smilie is too over the top, although the little red dude is damn funny. ;) :p

Originally posted by scottie2024
You too LOTO! Any tips on surviving here? :):

Just beware the addictive qualities of UM..lots less BS here than on the DT board, so it'll suck you in! ;)
Originally posted by rustymetal
Lady, that new smilie is too over the top, although the little red dude is damn funny. ;) :p

Hey at least I didn't steal the idea from someone else.. *ahem*

Actually, I'm still the new guy. However, this new guy is wonderin how I can upload my pic somewhere so I can put an URL instead of a file reference in the thingie, so that I don't have to keep this computer online and logged in for it to show up. It's annoying.
You need to put it somewhere other than the usual free webservers (yahoo, excite, geocities, angelfire, tripod, etc) because they don't allow remote image linking. Perhaps someone here can recommend one..

Oh and having it on your computer doesn't allow us to see it, regardless of if the computer is online or not, it has to be on the web.