Now playing + Comment above

Anyone else think that Opeth are wildly overrated and utterly incapable of creating music with any real direction?
Anyone else think that Opeth are wildly overrated and utterly incapable of creating music with any real direction?

Haven't really listened to them much since MAYH kinda times but they're still pretty great live, especially when they don't just play from the past 2 albums.

Overrated - a bit, though not much more so than many other bands.

Utterly incapable of creating music with any real direction - I see loads of people say this but I really don't find it to be true, at least no more so than most metal. I don't really get the whole 'cut and paste music' shit either.

I'm currently giving Raunchy one more chance (listening through Death Pop Romance) , although I'm not sure why. This album is less gay than the one I tried yesterday but still pretty weak so far.
^^ A decent song, but the intro is weird and doesn't really fit with the song, musically.

Arrival of the Fimbul Winter by Amon Amarth.

Anyone else think that Opeth are wildly overrated and utterly incapable of creating music with any real direction?

blind guardian - banished from sanctuary

i will still never forgive the people who killed BG on the battle of the bands, not enough people listen to PM
^^^ Love Power metal, and love Blind Guardian!

Scar Symmetry-Holographic Universe (the song)
i will still never forgive the people who killed BG on the battle of the bands, not enough people listen to PM

I've tried, truly I have, but there is nothing lamer than power metal vocals, sorry. It irritates the PISS out of me to hear heavy music with glamrock/operatic vocals.

To be fair, a lot of the music is great.....but that's where it ends.
I've tried, truly I have, but there is nothing lamer than power metal vocals, sorry. It irritates the PISS out of me to hear heavy music with glamrock/operatic vocals.

:kickass:... although there are some great operatic vocalists. Like Jari Maenpaa and Matt Barlow.

I find a lot of power metal to be lame as fuck, to be honest.

As for your last song, I've not heard any Dew-Scented yet.

Elbows Deep by Epocholypse.
dont get me wrong i love wintersun and jari, but jari a great operatic voice? i think not.

Cannibal Corpse- They deserve to die