Ur opinion of which AA song that has the best solo?


Destroyer of the Universe
Sep 4, 2003
Tomasz please state that if this has been talked about like 3 months ago and i'll gladly delete this topic cause nothing against u and i'm srry i'm a noob to the board but i've been listening to Amon for 2 years now so just like the other guys i was a guest or i didn't visit the forum alot but for now i'm bored and I am just goin to put this up cause i would like to know ur opinions and shit. I at first would have said Death In Fire but after listening to Bloodshed over and over again that solo towards the end of the song WOW i know i'm not the only one that air guitars to that (or for u talented ones with fast fingers that actually can play it on the guitar it does sound pretty easy i probably could learn it if i got better lol) i mean damn it's so soothing and and slow and written well. Yeah i'd have to say the best AA song's solo is Bloodshed. For others Bloodshed might be too soft of a solo so if ur bored and u read this post say if u think it's Bloodshed or one of ur own.
hmmm....best guitar solo? i do agree that death in fire and bloodshed have great solos but ive never really been one to single out one above the rest. what makes it even harder to say is the fact that im a stupid dipshit and am having a hard time remember a lot of the solos on past records. but as far as versus the world goes my favorite is probably death in fire.
I'd say the "The Avenger" has an awesome solo.

Ähmm.....Last, I wrote this stuff 'cuz I wanted that all noobs out there know at least his resons for beeing a fucked up rude bastard:rolleyes:, and not to start a flame war...
Eisbär said:
I'd say the "The Avenger" has an awesome solo.

Ähmm.....Last, I wrote this stuff 'cuz I wanted that all noobs out there know at least his resons for beeing a fucked up rude bastard:rolleyes:, and not to start a flame war...

nah dude i wasn't tryin to flame him i was just tryin respect his ways and if this was a do over topic from less then 3 months ago then i would delete it. As noob tryin to earn his respect in fact if any of u think i should delete the DVD post just tell me i will lets just hope others know it's been said already lol.
Eisbär said:
Ähmm.....Last, I wrote this stuff 'cuz I wanted that all noobs out there know at least his resons for beeing a fucked up rude bastard:rolleyes:, and not to start a flame war...

I'm neither fucked up, rude nor bastard. You're taking all too seriously. Hang loose, it's a message board and nothing more.

LaSTofTHeViKIngs, have I personally offended YOU in any way?

Sorrow Throughout The Nine Worlds, an awesome song with an awesome solo. I hope they'll play it live one day. Would be cool if they could shorten some live songs to pack more of them into the playlist.

NP: WYRD - Vargtimmen Part I
The Dragon's Flight Across the Waves comes to mind. Great blend of fast/slow!!!

The solo of Victorious March is a classic too, as well as Death in Fire... And the master of ALL Amon Amarth solos/melodies - the stuff that comes in about 3:50 into the song Under the Greyclouded Winter Sky... GREAT stuff.