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Snow Patrol???????????????????????? :ill: LOL
Well, each to there own :lol: /quote]

Yes indeed, each to their own - I wouldn't listen to any of that shite you like either. I'm a music lover, and as such, I like a lot of different types of music - not just heavy metal. I don't come on here and slag off other peoples tastes in music, so don't do it to me, if you don't mind! This is not the week to mess with me, I'm hormonal!! :Shedevil: :lol:
Good for you sammi.As you know metal is music i listen to the least.I am listening to some gangsta rap (DMX) at the moment.But cued up for tonight are Curtis Mayfield,Crosby,Stills,Nash and young,The Libertines,Harveys Milk,The Yawning and Gila.
Calm down, i was only having a bit of a laugh!!
Perhaps i should have put on more smiley faces
:goggly: :lol: :Spin: :grin: :wave: :D

:lol: That might have helped :grin: Well, come on - I did just say I'm hormonal, and all rational thoughts go out of the window! lol

Seriously though - I do hate it when people criticise other people's musical tastes - it's like they are saying that if you don't like the same music as them, then your opinions and tastes don't count. Not having a go at you in particular, just people in general.
but i still think people should be able to say they don't like something.

Of course you should, I'm all for freedom of speech. I just don't think anyone should be "ridiculed" for liking something. Wouldn't the world be boring if we all liked the same things?! :) Be glad you don't live with me, you'd probably hate most of my music (except Saxon, I assume!! lol)
Judas Priest - Burnin' up

If Priest added this amazing song to a future setlist life would be just about perfect for me!!