Now Playing!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:D thanks
I wanted one that's moving, but I found it too annoying for others to have the blinking blue light around all the time ;) but maybe I'll take that one some day

Cryptic Carnage - beauty at anytime
J.R.R Tolkien - Sagan Om Ringen - Cd01- Skuggan av det förflutna

Im too lazy to read today... :D
This song always makes me think of the word 'peacemaker' as a revolver.
my favorite depression song

F_V (following the same neverending symphony...)

Forest of Shadows - Eternal Autumn

I'm following F_V's songs from now on. Every one he listens to is incredibly good.

And you're right, its an excellent depression song
Yeah, I must agree that Final Vision has probably the best taste in music (in my opinion) because the few songs I have checked out because of him I've ended up liking quite a bit. Plus I think one of the reasons I even gave Skyfire a shot was because I saw that he liked them when I was browsing the forum.

So yeah, keep on rockin, F_V!

Such a weird song. It's good, but very weird. BTW, F_V, got any more depressing songs? Or songs to be depressed to? :)