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I had only one, but a big one :cool:

Funny coincidence though, I'd never thought of Pancake Day when I bought it.

Húshagyó kedd és Hamvazószerda, hehe, Pancake Day just sounds funny, but Húshagyó kedd sounds spiritual.

NP: Black Velvet by Susanne d'Antimatter. :worship:

Lovely background vocals :D
Loona said:
a Húshagyó hülyén hangzik. szerintem :p

Naaay, she's saying that Hushagyo kedd sounds stupid :cry:

It means Abstain-from-meat Tuesday, now how could that be stupid? It includes all the spiritually physical sacred dimensions of the whole Lent and Carne Vale, and stuff like that, Pancake Day, that's for you then, little pancake :bah: