Now Playing!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dark saga is my least favorite IE record after horror show. it was the begining of the end for them. its such a dumbed down piece of garbage. so simple and ready made for the masses. uhg. and thats crazy becuase i also just happened to put on...
well....your neal and no one takes you seriously anyway :p

seriously though, I gave Dark Saga another listen and I still think its fucking great. But I agree....I dislike Horrow Show....and the only other one I own is Something Wicked...which has a few cool songs and some fillers too. I really havent heard any earlier IE, but after Dark Saga, I intend to.

Also might wanna check for the secon EToS rarity song, their cover of Paradise Lost's "As I Die" is up at their site.
yeh, ill get it later. its a cover so im not as excited to get it was i was the acoustic original. i think i saw him say that hes gonna put up this one, then another cover, then another original. cant wait for the other original.

Steely Dan came out with a new cd for my birthday. May 6th..only 3 days after the blessing that is me came into the world! YAY! :D

This is QUITE the year for music...
urge everyone to check these guys out,

really young unsigned band, play melodic heavy/thrash metal......very cool stuff, guitarist/vocalist is 16 and comes up with some really fucking cool riffs and nice solos. Check out "To Burn the Eye"
I really like the keyboards on this song. Can't wait for all the cds coming out...If I get them all on my birthday I may just explode in a massive conflagration of musical glee.