Now that xfer isn't here, do you guys know anything about politics or whatever?


Nov 9, 2001
So I pass time sometimes at work reading news sites and things but of course not with a shred of the insight that alex has about all that stuff. I find myself reading these news sites and getting really panicky and worried, angry, sad, etc etc. about things, in particular the way the US is being mishandled.

My question is - how dire is it? How good is beaurocratic fighting (resistance on paper), is it safe to wait til the next presidential election, and what can we do that will be effective, which doesn't include protesting, crearting an email petition, or writing to our congresspeople?
Should I be as worried and upset as I am?
I think I'm just as worried. i get seriously panicked sometimes when reading the paper that I might even tear up.

i dunno how dire it is, but I just write my congress people, vote, and try to do what I can. I don't usually go to protests, since I don't associate myself with lots of those people, especially around here where people are (mostly) clueless. It's so overwhelmingly lefty over here I think people lose perspective on the way things are in the rest of the nation/world. their self-righteousness doesn't play well.
avi said:
It's so overwhelmingly lefty over here I think people lose perspective on the way things are in the rest of the nation/world. their self-righteousness doesn't play well.

i've come to believe that the majority of america has fully accepted the "if it can be done, do it" attitude, and thus, every nightmare you can imagine will come to pass. the money is certainly flowing that way.

if there is such a thing as hard evolution, i'm not so sure this is "wrong". i've also come to believe that i hate evolution.

i believe xfer would support applying pressure of any sort, no?
I'm concerned that our prez can issue a juvenile taunt such as "bring em on!" to the iraqis, and then of course they do. rule one of global politics: never underestimate the hypermachoism of a culture that worships the moustache.

every day I wake up another american is dead.

if it wasn't for arianna huffington, I would give up hope.
funny this comes up, because i've given up on politics in the past year (i even had a political major in college, and have this oh-so-political job) my parents are super political. but this weekend, i called my grandfather in a fit because i had a sense of panic and doom. he basically said, yes everything is really bad and we should be worried and we should vote and complain and write some letters BUT things have certainly been this bad before (i always forget that pesky HISTORY thing) and that there are rectifications. i hate that things can't be perfect though, and it bums me out. on the 4th of july it was really sad that i had to think to myself, 'should i go into manhattan? or are they going to really blow the whole place up this time?' and i have my dumb little 9/11 panic attacks and shit. but in essence, the only thing that is constant is that things constantly change. so they will. and eventually, since there are numerous good people, something good will happen. no?