Now that you know who i am....


Oct 13, 2007
... you can help me!! :D

As many of you by now know, i am trying to win a contest from Kamelot's bassplayer Sean Tibbetts.

It doesnt take much to help, but you would really help me a lot with it.
Here's what you have to do...

Go to this link:

On the left side, a little below, there is a box with FOLLOWERS... sign in there (another window will appear).
Once you are signed in you will see yourself with the rest of us.

Then you have to send an email to with MY name (Colinde van extel) in the subject line and the name you used to sign in, in the text field.
If you did it right you will get an email saying that you helped me.
Thats all!!! :D

Your email will not be used for any other purpose than this contest.

~Colinde :muahaha:
Okay boys and girls.... ONLY A COUPLE MORE DAYS LEFT TO GO.... :yow: Lets all make sure we can win this!!! Get your friends and family sign up for me aswell!
Its gonna be a close call, so i really need every vote i can get. CONTEST IS GONNA END OCTOBER 15TH, so make sure you get your vote in before then!! :Smokin:

Thanks everybody!!!!!
Big hug to you all :wave:
Hey everybody!

Tomorrow is the last day that you can help me win the contest from Sean Tibbetts (Kamelot).... and to get on my good side ;-) hahaha Just kidding.
If you can pls consider helping me... it would mean a lot to me, as you will know by now.
After tomorrow i won't bother you all again with this... :D

Rock on!
I just got word........ YES I WON!!!! :Smokin:
So, THANK YOU EVERYBODY FOR YOUR VOTES!!!! You boys and girls were the best for helping me!!! :grin:

Big hug to all of you!! :wave: