im thinking about me mate from t'niki who just left for breda. she had a good time here but so many bad luck.
1. she needed 7 trains from amsterdam to get in ghent.
2. she didnt got off in ghent, but at the next station in bruges... so i picked her up there then.
3. we didnt go to my place first, cause we went to a gig in north france (between raismes and valenciennes) straight away from bruges, otherwise we would be too late
4. we got in this huge trafic jam while leaving bruges, cause because of the good weather everybody was returning from the sea
5. so we came too late on the gig, missed 4 songs
6. now she left for breda but she just learned that the father of her friend there died yesterday.
7. she has to be back in greece to do an interview before her trip is over
this is called
have a nice trip