Shrimp Flavored Noodles


Sep 7, 2001
it is about 1 in the morning here in Chicago, and I am hungry. i just went upstairs to look for something to eat and all I found are these shrimp flavored noodles. i like the chicken noodles, but i don't know if i am brave enough to try these shrimp ones. does anyone have knowledge on the quality of shrimp flavored noodles?
ok i'll go for it. i'm trusting you on this one Belial, i want you to know i won't be held responsible for my actions if the shrimp noodles suck. cause if they do, you'll have to look over your shoulder the rest of your life :grin:
Originally posted by metalmancpa

I'm glad you enjoyed them

[and, on a personal note: that banana is SO annoying:grin: ]

The truth is I am the vice president of the Chaquita Banana Company, that little dancing banana is going to help me rule the world!!! mwahahaha:muahaha: