Now Weather thread

hehe...another double thread...great, dude:lol:

it's sunny and little windy here...

see ya
@Child : not so far hahha.. im from quebec, north of the quebec.. altought you may think quebec is north, Quebec think my town is north :p

I wont say where i come from haha
Chokehold said:
Sorry, I couldnt find this thread, so I opened a new "Now Weather thread..."

In Hungary its rain..:mad:
And what made you think you needed to find the weather thread? or that this board needed yet another weather thread?
It's THE WEATHER for fuck's sake! Who here sits down to watch the weather channel?!
[6:48pm] <Sqz|SSJ4SephirothX> !weather 98002
[6:48pm] -ChanServ- weather is an unknown command.
[6:48pm]«@ ^Counter-Terrorist^SephBot» Weather Auburn, Washington: Light Rain 43°F/6.1°C Wind: South at 9mph/14.5km/h Humidity: 87% Wind Chill: 38°F/3.3°C Dew Point: 39°F/3.9°C Visibility: N/A Last Updated: 6:20PM from Seattle, Washington

NP: Rhapsody - Steelgods of the Last Apocalypse