Very interesting thread, I never saw it before!

It's 32 degrees out, but with windchill it feels like 23, and it's kinda cloudy. Not too bad! Still snow on the ground from a few days ago!
It will be 34 tomorrow. Won't be less than 20 overnight (I speak in Celsius).

månsken, jag känner folk som bor i östersund och det har fortfarande snöat där.. vet ju inte vart du bor, men inte oroa dig, det ska snöa ;)
ColdFusion said:
Firste time here too!!
Here..Rio de Janeiro
raining - maybe 22 Celsius.
not so bad for ones who lives in sweden...but for me , its cold :OMG:

clear sky
34 Fahrenheit (1 Celsius) here in Tennessee
we never get snow here :(
22C?! as in 71F? that is good weather to go outside naked in:Smug:

Do people outside US even know where Tennessee is?
Braighs said:
clear sky
34 Fahrenheit (1 Celsius) here in Tennessee
we never get snow here :(
22C?! as in 71F? that is good weather to go outside naked in:Smug:

Do people outside US even know where Tennessee is?

I know where is it!(ah ok..i look at wikipedia :Spin: )

by the way 19 Celsius , Cloudly

and im not going out naked...or i will get a cold :rock: :rock: :rock:
-Vintersorg- said:
.. was about i dunno today.. hot.. will be around 30 C tomorrow

its summer for you aussies isn't it?...for brazilians also
hehe sweden is cold this time of year....
eh its cloudy, but no the moisture is just lurking around instead of moving on after it rains blah.
2c (I'm using metric despite my nation's ignorance)

It always hovers right above freezing so that we never get snow. Just cold rain. And that F'in sucks.
Oh, it snowed last night, but not too much. we'll see what next week will bring :)

edit: omg, there's a heavy snowstorm outside! So nice to sit here listening to Agalloch and watching the weather :)
Umm.. was only around 20 C today.. cold.. gunna be about the same tomorrow, then climb up to 30 on Wednesday, I think.

Think I'm going to miss out on that White Christmas, yet again. Damn.. I was really praying for it this year...